Building Steadfastness Through Counsel

"Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all
who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously,
defend the rights of the poor and needy.'"
~ Proverbs 31:8-9 ESV

Hostility against Christians in India continues to increase. VOMC's ministry partner reported that 2019 marked the highest number of violent incidences against Christians in one year. They documented many of these incidents through their helpline and a network of human rights advocates and lawyers.

With your help, VOMC provided funding for the helpline, facilitated by a call centre that has been a source of legal advice for persecuted Christians in India who otherwise would have no defender. With the partnership of various Indian human rights agencies to provide backend legal, over 500 Indian Christians received vital counsel and legal advice in 2019 alone. There is every indication that more Christians will need to access this support as persecution intensifies in the country -- people like Sarah.

Worship service in IndiaOn April 21st, 2019, a Christian lady named Sarah was threatened by a Hindu neighbour while she and her daughter were returning home from a prayer service at their church. Upon seeing Sarah, this angry neighbour alarmed her by threatening that if she attended the service on the next Sunday, he would kidnap her daughters. He then continued to verbally abuse the women by making derogatory remarks about their inferiority as lower caste.

Sarah sought assistance through the helpline and was advised and eventually persuaded to file a police complaint against the aggressor. At first, when she presented the grievance, the police refused to take action. Following further advice from our VOM partners, Sarah then sent a copy to the Superintendent of Police and District Magistrate. This extra step turned out to be the deterrent needed for the villager to stop bothering Sarah and her daughter. They have been able to continue worshipping in their church without any hindrances.

While advocates remain on standby to give legal counsel and instruction, many Christians still feel the pressures of religious intolerance that threaten to explode at any given moment. Please remember to lift the church in India before God's throne of grace, praying that it will continue to shine His light in a dark world. Also pray that the helpline will continue to be used by the Lord to strengthen and encourage His church in the midst of persecution.

Grace and peace,

Floyd A. Brobbel
Chief Executive Officer
The Voice of the Martyrs Canada