Girl with a basket on her head
Girl with a basket on her head


"So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone,
and especially to those who are of the household of faith."
Galatians 6:10 ESV

I first heard about "Mary" and her brother Daniel in 2008 from Pastor Abraham, a VOMC ministry partner in Northern Ghana. "Mary," Daniel, and their parents accepted Jesus as Lord after attending a Jesus Film showing near their home. It didn’t take long for them to find that following Jesus came at a cost. But it was when "Mary" and Daniel’s parents died (they were poisoned by family members) that these children felt the weight of persecution. Because of their Christian faith, they were abandoned and denied support from their community.

"Mary"When Pastor Abraham heard about their situation, he promised to find a way to help them. He sent me an email sharing "Mary" and Daniel's story. He told me his church was already providing shelter, food, clothing and education for these two young followers of Jesus, and asked if VOMC could assist their small church with this. We agreed, and now, 12 years later, Pastor Abraham has sent me a personal letter of gratitude from "Mary." The letter reads:

"I am writing this letter to thank you for your support, especially for my education. When everyone abandoned me because of my faith in Christ, God answered my prayer through you, The Voice of the Martyrs Canada. You paid for my education but also provided food, clothing, medicine and shelter. You are a blessing. I can only thank you for your kindness, and I pray the Lord will prosper you in your ministry and that you always shine His light in the darkness.

"I will continue to hold on to Christ, and my faith is strengthened every day, knowing I have family in Canada who love and care for me. I have applied for Teachers Training College and am waiting for their response. My daily prayer is that God will use me to encourage other brothers and sisters who suffer persecution. May God bless you abundantly." 

"Mary" and her brother Daniel are two young believers who have been the recipients of your generous support. The good you have invested in them has multiplied as they live for Christ in a region hostile to the Gospel. Remember them in your prayers and praise God that together, though many miles apart, we are advancing His glorious Kingdom.

For His glory,
Floyd A. Brobbel
Chief Executive Officer
The Voice of the Martyrs Canada Inc.
