Believers are praying and worshipping
Believers are praying and worshipping

Holiness in the Face of Persecution

Strive for peace with everyone, and for the
holiness without which no one will see the Lord.

~ Hebrews 12:14 ESV

In 1977, the Ugandan government, which was led by Idi Amin at that time, prohibited Pentecostal Christians from gathering to worship. He ordered for their churches to be closed, and announced that any noncompliance would lead to arrests, imprisonment and possible death.

Upon hearing this edict, the late Bishop George William Mubiru advised his congregation to earnestly seek the Lord for six days and accompany this time with prayer and fasting. In a state of humbleness, they asked the Lord why such troubles had come upon the church in Uganda. God heard the supplications of His people and answered with a call for them to lead lives of peace and holiness.

Such holiness required Bishop Mubiru and his congregation to strive for peace with others – even their persecutors. They were not to comply with ungodly demands, but rather become more like Jesus through the enabling of the Holy Spirit – no matter the cost. When the threat of persecution presented itself, these Christians were not to shrink away but draw nearer to God and worship Him in spirit and truth.

“But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true
worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth,
for the Father is seeking such people to worship Him.”

~ John 4:23 ESV

Bishop Mubiru gathered his church for prayer and proclaimed the Gospel with a call to holiness and righteous living. Many were arrested by the country’s governing forces, but these believers remained determined to live for Christ and make Him known. Encouraged by the bishop’s dedicated, God-focussed leadership, they pushed beyond the evil intentions arrayed against them to embrace the Lord who sits on the throne above all thrones. This didn’t mean they would be immune from persecution; but rather, in the midst of it, they could experience the inward peace of knowing that their God will ultimately never allow evil to prevail. British evangelist and preacher, G. Campbell Morgan (1863-1945) wrote:

“Holiness is not the exemption from
conflict, but the victory through conflict.”

On Monday, August 28th, 2023, this same congregation invited me to be a keynote speaker at their Holy Gospel Annual Pastors’ Conference. What an honour it was to speak from the pulpit of a church that stands as a testimony of God’s providential care amid suffering.

Although I was asked to speak, I felt I received more than I gave. I was struck once again by how much we all need each other within the body of Christ. The experiences and lessons learned are meant to be shared within the body so that we can all grow in holiness; and, as we do, call the world to likewise turn to the “Lord of lords.”

As members of the holy catholic church,* we are each called to a life of holiness. Our calling doesn’t change in the face of opposition; rather, it is God’s means for us to counteract persecution’s evil intent and proclaim the “Good News” of the Gospel to those in desperate need of His saving grace.

May we, His people, learn to walk in His ways and shine His glorious light in the darkness.

Grace and peace,

Signature - Floyd
Floyd A. Brobbel
Chief Executive Officer
The Voice of the Martyrs Canada Inc.


The term “catholic” comes from two Greek words that together mean "throughout the whole." So, when the Apostles’ Creed states, "I believe in the holy catholic church," it refers to the totality of the whole church in all times and places, rather than to any specific branch of Christianity.

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