Simple-Hearted Praise
Children are smiling while looking through an opening between boards. Photo credit - VOM International
Children are smiling while looking through an opening between boards. Photo credit - VOM International

Simple-Hearted Praise

“Out of the mouths of babies and infants,
You have established strength because of Your foes,
to still the enemy and the avenger.”
~ Psalm 8:2 ESV

The name of the Lord is majestic all over the earth. His splendour, which is not contingent on people’s confessions – nor their acceptance of who He is – testifies of His omnipotence. God’s glory, displayed above in the heavens, is not a fleeting phenomenon either. Rather, it has been established from everlasting to everlasting, inspiring awe and reverence in the lives of all those who even attempt to comprehend it.

Even more profound is how God, in His infinite wisdom, is able to use the weak and insignificant things of this world to silence His foes and demonstrate His limitless power. In such cases, those who humbly and lovingly serve Him shine as beacons of hope and faith for the benefit of all.

A woman is reading the Bible while holding a baby in her arms. She is surrounded by a group of people.

The simple-hearted is committed to serving, obeying and worshipping the Living God. Simplicity of heart recognizes truth in a world where it can be elusive or twisted. While the world promotes and imposes its generic version of the truth, those who dedicate their lives to observing God’s will understand that there is only one path to authentic truth which is revealed in His Son, Jesus Christ.

Hebrews 11 highlights the lives of believers “of whom the world was not worthy” (v. 38). Their existence was evidence of God’s grace because they willingly shared His goodness and faithfulness with people who were desperately lost in their sins. In essence, having these witnesses of God’s glory and truth, through whom He demonstrated His divine attributes and power, was a privilege the world did not deserve.

Pastor Richard Wurmbrand shared a powerful story that illustrates this point. An atheist once challenged a child who claimed to be a Christian by saying, “I will give you a pound if you can show me where God is.” The child, whose heart was filled with wisdom and faith, replied, “I only have a 50-pence piece, but I will give it to you if you can show me a place where God is not.” This anecdote is a testament to the unwavering faith and belief that can silence even the most ardent doubters.

The voices of God’s children, regardless of their ages, cannot be silenced by the world. Even the smallest words of praise can overcome the enemy. Voice of the Martyrs Canada is pleased to work with brave individuals who are committed to spreading the message of the Lord in regions where the Gospel is opposed. These brothers and sisters in Christ have powerful stories of faith and grace to share. You can read of their inspiring life-transforming experiences – plus learn further about their unwavering faith – in the pages of VOMC’s monthly magazine. (If you’re not presently receiving this complimentary publication, you may subscribe at

May we learn to boldly proclaim God’s glory through simple acts of faith and worship in a world bent on self-gratification. As we raise our song of adoration to the “King of kings,” may our praise resound in the ears of those who reject His truth to free their hearts which otherwise would be bound in darkness.

Grace and peace,

Signature - ''Floyd''
Floyd A. Brobbel
Chief Executive Officer
The Voice of the Martyrs Canada Inc.

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