A woman has a wide, beautiful smile.

Actively Remembering and Serving the Church Persecuted.

Eritrea: Finding Joy in Prison

Eritrea: Finding Joy in Prison

Pastor Kidane Gebremeskel Gedion says it was a great privilege to suffer for Jesus during the two-and-a-half years he spent in three different Eritrean prisons because of his evangelistic work. Pastor Kidane tells VOM Canada's Greg Musselman that being separated from his wife and children was much worse than the imprisonment itself. He also explains why the Eritrean government continues to persecute followers of Christ in his East African nation and what he has learned about God during the ordeal. This episode is a reunion of sorts, as Greg initially met with Pastor Kidane in Eritrea 17 years ago.

Date: June 11, 2021
Length: 62 minutes

Show Notes
The Persecution of Evangelical Christians in Eritrea

An interview with Dr. Berhane Ashmelash of Release Eritrea about the release of numerous Christian prisoners.
The Voice of the Martyrs Canada