A church in Algeria
Photo: Flickr / PhR610 (cc)
A church in Algeria has been ordered to close because district authorities claim its leaders are in breach of a 2006 law that regulates non-Muslim worship. It is the second time within the past two months that a church has been ordered to close.
Leaders of the church received a letter on April 24th citing that the use of a non-Muslim place of worship is subject to prior authorization by the National Commission for Non-Muslim Religious Groups. The letter also claims the church lease is not valid because the building, rented on behalf of the Protestant Church of Algeria, is registered as residential premises.
One month before receiving the letter, church leaders had informed local authorities that they intended to use this rented building as a place of worship. These leaders state that the order for the church's forceful closure limits their 'freedom of worship' which is guaranteed in the Algerian constitution.
In addition, they are concerned that the 2006 decree restricts the religious freedom of non-Muslims and contradicts Algeria's new constitution, as well as its commitments to religious freedom under international law. More information about this country is available here.
May the order to close the church be revoked so these believers will be able to meet together and freely worship the Lord. Pray that the church leaders involved in this case will sense the peace and guidance of the Holy Spirit as they work through the process of regaining the use of their building -- seizing every divinely appointed opportunity to share their faith. Thankfully, the Lord is equipping His church for growth, even in difficult areas of the world such as Algeria. Intercede for the salvation of the Algerian people, that they may openly seek God and realize the importance of accepting His Son Jesus as their personal Saviour.