Agents Hunt Christians After Preacher's Visit

Eritrean Christian, Mulu, holding a picture of her husband. - Photo: VOM US
Mulu was arrested while attending a secret church meeting. Her husband died in prison.
Photo: VOM US

When a peace agreement was reached between Eritrea and Ethiopia, hopes were high that the new-found peace could also lead to a relaxation of human rights violations and religious oppression in Eritrea. On July 18th, the first flight from Ethiopia to Asmara in more than 20 years arrived with Pentecostal evangelist Surafiel Demssie as one of the passengers.

Upon arriving in the capital city, Pastor Surafiel held an informal evangelistic street meeting. He left shortly after and that was when police moved in. At last report, five people were arrested and others have gone into hiding. One of them, believed to be the host of the meeting, was arrested at the airport.

Family members were initially told that the five Eritreans had been arrested for blocking the street and would be released shortly. Later it was revealed that officials from the National Security Agency were responsible for the arrests. To date, those apprehended have not appeared in court. It is common for prisoners of conscience, including Christians, to never face formal charges, despite lengthy imprisonment under horrific conditions. For more accounts of persecution in Eritrea, go to the Eritrea Country Report.

As new relations develop between these two East African nations, pray for discernment to be granted to the Eritrean Christians. Specifically remember the five who were recently detained in Eritrea, along with hundreds of other believers currently being held in custody for their faith. May the Lord give great strength and courage to these innocent prisoners as they await deliverance, and a tremendous sense of His peace to each of their concerned family members.

  • Country Information

    6,274,796 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Tigrinya (50), Tigre (30), Saho (4), Afar (4) Kunama (4), Bilen (3), other (5)

    Religion (%)
    Islam (47.4), Christianity (48.8), other (3.8)

    President Isaias Afworki (1993)

    Government type
    Presidential republic

    Legal system
    Mixed legal system of civil, customary, and Islamic religious law

    Sources: CIA World Factbook, Operation World

  • Pray for Eritrea

    Ask the Lord to provide imprisoned Eritrean believers a means of escape and a place of safe refuge. Pray for Him to also work deeply in the hearts of the country's governing officials so they will grant His people the freedom to worship Him and glorify His matchless name. Mindful of their own human frailties, may these political leaders realize the need to make Jesus their own personal Saviour and Lord by accepting His gift of eternal salvation.

Eritrea News

  • At Least 30 Arrested at a Birthday Gathering
    A birthday cake with a candle in the shape of the numeral

    On January 20th, 30 Christian adults, plus an unknown number of children, were arrested in Eritrea when police raided a party that was held in celebration of an infant's first birthday. The incident took place in the capital city of Asmara at the home of a Christian couple who was hosting a gathering of family and friends to celebrate the birthday of their firstborn child.

  • More Christian Youth Released from Prison
    A microphone is in the foreground and an open laptop is in the background.

    In April 2023, more than 100 talented Christian young people, who are members of a musical group known as the Mahalians, were arrested after recording songs of praise which they had intended to share on YouTube. The government deemed their recording session to be an illegal church gathering. For more details, go to this page.