31 Christian Prisoners Released

Eritrean women praying - Photo: World Watch Monitor www.worldwatchmonitor.org
Many Eritrean believers are compelled to pray in secret.
Photo: World Watch Monitor

The Eritrean government has released 31 Christians from Mai Serwa prison who were detained without charge or trial for years. It is believed there were 21 men and 10 women in this group, and that none of them were church leaders. At least two of the women were minors when first imprisoned -- one was only 12 years old (age 28 today); and the other was 16 (now 30). This action follows the release of 22 Methodist Christians from another prison in July.

Recently received reports indicate that a total of 54 believers are expected to be released, beginning with those who were imprisoned the longest. The reasons for the release have not been given, though it may be connected to the COVID-19 pandemic. For those who have been liberated, however, conditions remain. It is reported that these prisoners are not free to leave the country, and that property deeds were submitted as a guarantee.

Estimates pertaining to the number of Christian prisoners in the country range from 300 to 3,000. Many of these believers have been detained without charge for more than a decade. Some, such as those in the Mai Serwa prison, have been kept in metal shipping containers -- exposed to the desert heat by day and the cold by night. The remaining prisoners may also face beatings and torture due to the officials' attempts to force the renouncement of these believers' faith. A video report with Dr. Berhane from Release Eritrea will be released shortly. An excerpt is available at VOMCanada.com/video/release-eritrea.

Praise God for the release of these believers who have stood firm in the midst of extreme trials. May their endurance be a source of inspiration to other followers of Christ. Please pray that fellow Christians would come alongside those who have been discharged as they now seek the Lord's direction and try to readjust to life outside of prison after spending years in custody. Ask God to touch the hearts of Eritrea's governing authorities, in hopes they will change their ways and encourage true religious harmony in the country. Also pray that the Lord will continue ministering to the many Eritrean believers who are still imprisoned for their faith, as well as the family members suffering alongside them. May these incarcerated believers likewise be acquitted.

  • Country Information

    6,274,796 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Tigrinya (50), Tigre (30), Saho (4), Afar (4) Kunama (4), Bilen (3), other (5)

    Religion (%)
    Islam (47.4), Christianity (48.8), other (3.8)

    President Isaias Afworki (1993)

    Government type
    Presidential republic

    Legal system
    Mixed legal system of civil, customary, and Islamic religious law

    Sources: CIA World Factbook, Operation World

  • Pray for Eritrea

    Ask the Lord to provide imprisoned Eritrean believers a means of escape and a place of safe refuge. Pray for Him to also work deeply in the hearts of the country's governing officials so they will grant His people the freedom to worship Him and glorify His matchless name. Mindful of their own human frailties, may these political leaders realize the need to make Jesus their own personal Saviour and Lord by accepting His gift of eternal salvation.

Eritrea News

  • Christians Imprisoned for 20 Years Without Charge
    Rev G. Gebregiorgis, Kiflu Gebremeskel, Futsum Gebrenegus, Meron Gebreselasie, Tekleab Mengisteab, Haile Nayzgi
    Photos: Christian Solidarity Worldwide / Human
    Rights Concern Eritrea / Release Eritrea

    On May 23rd, 2004, Eritrean authorities arrested two pastors from the Full Gospel Church in Eritrea: Dr. Kiflu Gebremeskel and Pastor Haile Nayzgi. The arrests were made in response to a government ban instituted in 2002 against all but four of the country's religious communities. Throughout 2004, arrests continued against pastors of the banned organization, which consisted of between 120 and 150 home church congregations at the time. Pastor Meron Gebreselasie was arrested in June 2004. Then in November of that year, Dr. Futsum Gebrenegus, Dr. Tekleab Mengisteab and Rev. Gebremedhin Gebregiorgis were also detained.

  • Recent Passing of Imprisoned Church Leader
    Reverend Ghirmay Araya
    Reverend Ghirmay Araya
    Photo: Release Eritrea

    Reverend Ghirmay Araya was one of the founders of the Full Gospel Church in Eritrea. Under the country's oppressive regime, the denomination was banned in 2002 and its senior leaders were imprisoned in 2004. Over the decades since, thousands of other Eritreans have been imprisoned for their faith, often enduring torture and inhumane treatment.

  • At Least 30 Arrested at a Birthday Gathering
    A birthday cake with a candle in the shape of the numeral

    On January 20th, 30 Christian adults, plus an unknown number of children, were arrested in Eritrea when police raided a party that was held in celebration of an infant's first birthday. The incident took place in the capital city of Asmara at the home of a Christian couple who was hosting a gathering of family and friends to celebrate the birthday of their firstborn child.