Missionary Executed in Captivity

Beatrice Stockli - Photo: World Watch Monitor
Beatrice Stockli
Photo: World Watch Monitor

In January 2016, Beatrice Stockli was kidnapped in Timbuktu. The militant group, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), has claimed responsibility, stating that Beatrice had "declared war against Islam in her attempt to Christianize Muslims" (read more). Six months after her arrest, and again a year later, videos were released showing that she was alive.

In early October 2020, the transitional government in Mali negotiated a prisoner-hostage swap with the AQIM, resulting in the release of several hostages. Regrettably, an elderly French aid worker who was released reported that Beatrice had been killed only one month before. The reasons and circumstances are unclear at this point. The Swiss government has condemned the execution and pledges to uncover the details of her death and return the missionary's remains to her family.

Please intercede for the family and friends of Beatrice as they mourn the loss of their loved one. Pray that they will experience God's comfort and strength, as well as the assurance that Beatrice has gone on to her real home in heaven where she will be rewarded for her faithfulness. May our Christian brothers and sisters in Mali be so inspired by her courageous dedication to the Lord that they will likewise seize every opportunity to share the Good News of the Gospel. Ask God to surround them with His presence and safety, shielding them from any malicious actions of their opposers, as they fulfill the Great Commission -- reaching even those who were responsible for this missionary's death.

  • Country Information

    Mali map & flagPopulation
    21,359,722 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Bambara (33.3), Fulani (Peul) (13.3), Sarakole/Soninke/Marka (9.8), Senufo/Manianka (9.6), Malinke (8.8), Dogon (8.7), Sonrai (5.9), Bobo (2.1), Tuareg/Bella (1.7), other Malian (6), from member of Economic Community of West African States (0.4%), other (0.3)

    Religion (%)
    Muslim (93.9), Christian (2.8), Animist (0.7), none (2.5) (2018)

    Transittional President Assimi Goita (2021)

    Government type
    Semi-presidential republic

    Legal system
    Civil law system based on the French civil law model and influenced by customary law; judicial review of legislative acts in Constitutional Court

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Mali

    Ask the Lord of the harvest to send people to boldly share the gospel with the largely Muslim population. Pray the existing churches will remain faithful, never giving in to the pressure of those who oppose them. Pray that the church will display the light of Christ amid jihadist activity.

Mali News

  • Missionary Executed in Captivity
    Beatrice Stockli - Photo: World Watch Monitor
    Beatrice Stockli
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    In January 2016, Beatrice Stockli was kidnapped in Timbuktu. The militant group, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), has claimed responsibility, stating that Beatrice had "declared war against Islam in her attempt to Christianize Muslims" (read more). Six months after her arrest, and again a year later, videos were released showing that she was alive.

  • Raid of Three Villages Results in Tragic Loss
    Destruction of a church building - Photo: Barnabas Fund www.barnabasfund.org
    Photo: Barnabas Fund

    Suspected Fulani militants killed twenty-seven people in three predominantly Christian villages of Central Mali. The village of Tillé was raided on May 26th, resulting in the deaths of seven, some of them burned alive. Over the next 24 hours, the attackers moved on to the villages of Bankass and Koro, killing another twenty villagers.