Court Ruling Permits Balloon Launches

Two people are filling a very large balloon
Photo: VOMK

Since 2005, The Voice of the Martyrs Korea VOMK has used large balloons to carry Bibles and Scripture pamphlets into the restricted nation of North Korea. However, in 2020, the South Korean government passed a law criminalizing the use of balloons after negotiations with the North Korean government. (See this report for more details on the restriction.)

On September 24th, South Korea's Constitutional Court struck down the law, calling it an excessive restriction on free speech. The court affirmed that public safety and citizens' rights are best protected when activities such as balloon launches are policed by local law enforcements and not by diplomats or politicians.

In response to the ruling, VOMK issued the following official statement: "Before the anti-leaflet law, The Voice of the Martyrs Korea enjoyed excellent and mutually respectful relationships with local law enforcement and local communities to ensure that our Bible balloon launches into North Korea could be conducted safely, quietly, accurately, lawfully, and in environmentally friendly ways. The Supreme Court ruling affirms that this is the best approach."

VOMK's representatives did not discuss any plans in regards to potential balloon launching activities in the future, citing safety and security concerns. They simply stated, "We will continue to do what we have always done; we will look for every possible way to bring the Word of God to North Korea, with respect for law and in cooperation with local communities."

Praise God that this effective method of sharing the Gospel message has once again been made legally possible, so our Christian brothers and sisters in South Korea can resume reaching out to those across the border who are desperately in need of His salvation and hope. Please join us in praying that the seed of God's Word will yield a bountiful harvest in the restrictive nation of North Korea, and that many new names will be added to the "Lamb's Book of Life" as a result!

  • Current Ministry Project

    VOMC assists in the education and training of North Korean Christians to enable them to reach fellow North Koreans with the Gospel wherever they are found. VOMC also works with proven ministry partners who are broadcasting quality radio programs to equip and encourage believers of the North Korean underground church.

    Project Fund: Underground Church

  • Country Information

    26,072,217 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Racially homogeneous; there is a small Chinese community and a few ethnic Japanese

    Religion (%)
    Juche (99) Christian (1)

    Kim Jong-Un (2011)

    Government type
    Dictatorship, single-party state

    Legal system
    Based on Prussian civil law system with Japanese traditions and Communist legal theory

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for North Korea

    Pray for the safety of the country's refugees – including those who are hiding in various parts of China, as they are frequently being hunted by Chinese and North Korean agents. Ask the Lord to also protect and strengthen believers faithfully serving within North Korea, granting them wisdom as they seek ways to effectively communicate the hope of the Gospel so the church can continue to grow. And like the Apostle Paul, may the country's primary political leader, Kim Jong Un, experience a profound life-changing encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ who is longing to extend love, mercy and forgiveness toward him (Acts 9).

North Korea News

  • Court Ruling Permits Balloon Launches
    Two people are filling a very large balloon
    Photo: VOMK

    Since 2005, The Voice of the Martyrs Korea VOMK has used large balloons to carry Bibles and Scripture pamphlets into the restricted nation of North Korea. However, in 2020, the South Korean government passed a law criminalizing the use of balloons after negotiations with the North Korean government. (See this report for more details on the restriction.)

  • Balloon Launches Officially Banned
    Filling balloons for North Korea
    Photo: VOMK

    Since 2005, The Voice of the Martyrs Korea (VOMK) has used balloon launches as an effective way of getting Bibles into North Korea. Recent surveys indicate that an increasing percentage of North Korean defectors have also been given access to the Scriptures. Many of those Bibles may well have come through VOMK, whose distribution outreaches sent approximately 600,000 Bibles into the country over the years. It has been the only major organization supplying religious materials across the border.

  • Bible Launches Met with Resistance
    Foleys and police - Photo: Voice of the Martyrs Korea
    Photo: Voice of the Martyrs Korea

    For several years, The Voice of the Martyrs Korea has helped get Bibles into North Korea. Typically, this was done through the launch of large balloons, which would strategically drop the contained materials across the border. Recently, members of the ministry team have also begun using bottles filled with rice, vitamins and small Bibles to bless those residing in North Korea. These bottles were systematically sent while the timing of the tide was just right so they would float along the western coast to their intended destination.