

  • Update: Pastor threatened with exile

    Pastor Wang Dao and his family
    Photo from ChinaAid
    Contacts of The Voice of the Martyrs were recently able to meet with Pastor Wang Dao (40), a leader of the Liangren Church in Guangzhou city who was imprisoned on charges of "gathering a mob to disrupt the public order" in late May and released a few weeks later (click here for the full story). When told that he had to choose between exile or imprisonment for his Christian activity, Pastor Wang stated that he had no intention of being exiled and was prepared for a lengthy imprisonment. Since his release, authorities have been closely monitoring him. They have also informed him that if he continues to preach he will be forced into exile. Pastor Wang, however, is standing firm in his conviction that God's place for him is in China.

    Pray for continued resilience of faith for Pastor Wang. Pray also for God to comfort and strengthen his wife and their son and daughter. Pray that Christians suffering for their faith in China will rest in the perfect love of the cross, which drives out all fear (1 John 4:18).

    To find out more about the persecution of Christians in China, go to theChina Country Report.

  • Update: Family permitted visit with imprisoned church leader

    Alimujiang Yimiti and his family
    Photo from ChinaAid
    Alimujiang Yimiti, a Uyghur house church leader who was sentenced in 2009 to 15 years' imprisonment for "providing state secrets to overseas organizations" (click here for more information), was permitted to visit with his family for 20 minutes on July 13. Alimujiang's family was relieved to see him alive, as guards had repeatedly refused to allow them visits in recent weeks. During their meeting, Alimujiang confirmed that he had received his wife's letters. However, only one of his letters has been delivered to his wife, and he warned her that she and the children should not expect to see more letters from him due to the difficulty he faced in sending them. (Source: ChinaAid)

    Thank the Lord that Alimujiang was able to visit with his family. Pray that authorities will continue to allow the visits. Pray that Alimujiang will be released from prison. Pray that he and his family will rest in the knowledge that the Good Shepherd walks with them through this difficult time (Psalm 23).

    To learn more about persecution in China, go to theChina Country Report.

  • Update: Imprisoned Christian refused further visits

    Alimujiang Yimiti and his family
    Photos from ChinaAid
    Imprisoned Uyghur house church pastor Alimujiang Yimiti, who was finally allowed to visit with his family in recent months (click here for more information), has been prevented further visits. Alimujiang's mother, wife and children were able to meet with him for the first time in two years in April. In May, they were permitted a second meeting for 20 minutes. However, authorities have since demanded that a letter stamped by the local police verifying Alimujiang's relationship with his wife and mother be brought to each meeting. The local police, meanwhile, claim the letter is unnecessary and refuse to cooperate. Alimujiang's lawyers have not been permitted to meet with him since he was moved into prison.

    Although Alimujiang's wife, Gulinuer, mails a letter to him every week, she only knows of two letters that have reached her husband. She has yet to receive a reply. One letter mailed to Alimujiang from the United States was returned to the sender with the word "deceased" written across the envelope. Sources have been unable to confirm the validity of the message. (Source: ChinaAid)

    Pray for health and strength for Alimujiang and his family. Pray that authorities will allow him to resume visits with his loved ones. Pray that the charges against him will be dropped and he will be free to return home. Pray that his love for Christ will draw others closer to the Lord.

    To learn more about persecution in China, go to theChina Country Report.

  • Pastor released on bail

    Pastor Wang Dao and his family
    Photo from ChinaAid

    Wang Dao, a pastor who was arrested in China's Guangdong province on arbitrary charges of "gathering a mob to disrupt the public order" in early May, was released on bail on June 13. Pastor Wang, a leader of the Liangren Church, has reportedly been threatened with exile and denied the right to meet with his lawyers. He is now facing new changes of "hindering the administration of credit cards." Despite such allegations, Pastor Wang insists the case against him is a direct act of persecution for his faith. Members of his house church have also undergone unjust treatment from authorities. Aside from losing their pastor, they have been locked out of their rented building, forced to worship outdoors, ordered to disband from a peaceful meeting in a park and evicted from another rented building. Upon his release, Pastor Wang Dao expressed thanks to all those in his Christian family who have prayed for and supported him. (Source: ChinaAid)

    Pray that officials will drop the charges against Pastor Wang. Pray that his trial will be conducted with due process of law. Pray that Wang Dao and the Liangren Church will continue to stand firm in their faith in Christ.

    For more on trials facing Chinese Christians, go to theChina Country Report.

  • Update: Human rights lawyer missing again

    Gao last seen with his family in January 2009
    Photo from ChinaAid
    Gao Zhisheng, a Christian human rights lawyer released by Chinese officials on April 6 (click here for more information), has again gone missing. Gao -- initially seized from his home in Shaanxi province on February 4, 2009 and held incommunicado by security officials for 13 months -- was permitted to phone family members and colleagues in late March. Officials finally returned him to his Beijing apartment in April. Gao reportedly intended to travel to Urumqi within days of his release to visit his in-laws, and witnesses saw him leaving his apartment and getting into a vehicle parked outside his building sometime between April 9 and 12. Gao's father-in-law reportedly confirmed that Gao arrived at his home with an escort of four police officers but spent just one night there before police took him away again. Gao phoned his father-in-law shortly before he was due to board a flight back to Beijing on April 20. He promised to call again after returning home but failed to do so.

    Bob Fu, President of VOM partner ChinaAid, has stated that Gao is "definitely in the hands of Chinese security forces." He believes that international pressure forced authorities to allow Gao a brief re-appearance to prove that he was alive before officials seized him again to prevent information leaking out about his experiences over the past year. (Source: Compass Direct)

    Thank the Lord that He knows the whereabouts and conditions of Gao and that He is caring for him. If Gao is detained, pray that authorities will soon release him. Pray for Gao's wife and children during these uncertain times.

    Click here to find out more about persecution in China.

  • Update: Family finally allowed visit imprisoned Uyghur church leader

    Alimujiang Yimiti and his family
    Photos from ChinaAid
    On April 20, the family of Uyghur house church leader Alimujiang Yimiti was allowed to visit with him for the first time since his arrest in January 2008. Alimujiang was sentenced in October 2009 to 15 years' imprisonment for "providing state secrets to overseas organizations" (click here for more information). Alimujiang's wife, Gulinuer, their two sons, and his mother and sister were only able to talk for 15 minutes by phone through a glass barrier. The family reported that Alimujiang was noticeably thinner but in "good spirits." Officials have now granted Gulinuer and other close family members permission to visit him once a month. (Source: ChinaAid)

    Enraged by the injustice they have faced, Gulinuer and her mother-in-law, Wushueran, are urging the international community to demand Alimujiang's release. The Voice of the Martyrs encourages you to stand with this family by signing a petition from our partner, ChinaAid. By raising our voices in petition for Alimujiang Yimiti, we the international community can build a brighter, more peaceful future for China and for the world. Add your voice to the thousands around the globe calling for justice today! To sign the petition, learn more details on Alimujiang's case and discover other ways to get involved, please visit www.FreeAlim.com.

    Praise God that Alimujiang was able to visit with his family. Pray that authorities will continue to allow this family to meet together. Pray that Alimujiang will be released. Pray that, in all things, he and his family will look to Christ for strength.

    For more information about persecution in China,click here.

  • Update: Pastor released early from detention

    Pastor Dou's friends gather to pray outside the prison
    Photo from ChinaAid
    Pastor Dou Shaowen, who was sentenced to one year of re-education through labour on June 14, 2009, was released early from detention on April 17. Pastor Dou was arrested after government officials forcibly abolished and sealed up his house church in Zhengzhou city, Henan province (click here for more information). Pastor Dou reportedly lost 38 pounds due to the extreme conditions he faced in the camp, including being forced to work 18 hours a day and sleeping in a room with over 70 other prisoners. (Source: ChinaAid)

    Praise God that Pastor Dou has been released early from prison. Ask God to bring healing to his body as he recovers. Pray that Pastor Dou will remain steadfast in the faith (1 Peter 5:8-10).

    Click here to learn more about the plight of believers in China.

  • Update: Christian human rights lawyer released

    Photo from ChinaAid

    Christian human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng, who was kidnapped by state security agents in February 2009, has been released from the guarded location in Shanxi province where he was being held by authorities. Gao was recently confirmed to be alive following months of rumours that he had died at the hands of authorities (click here for more information). On April 6, Gao informed ChinaAid President Bob Fu that he had returned to his apartment in Beijing. He reportedly sounded weak on the phone and said he had been recovering from a "racking cough," but did not give any further details of his health or treatment in jail.

    On April 7, Gao told reporters that he will cease his legal activism in the hopes of reuniting with his wife and children, who escaped to the United States in March 2009. In response, Bob Fu stated, "Gao Zhisheng is a man of integrity and heart. Facing such enormous pressure and knowing that his family needs him, he has chosen to fulfill his duty as a father to his children, and husband to his wife." He added, "Gao Zhisheng and his family have suffered deeply from the long separation. Despite the persecution, he continues to trust the Lord." (Source: ChinaAid)

    Praise the Lord that Gao has been released! Pray that he will soon be reunited with his family. Pray that Gao will keep his eyes on Jesus, persevere in his faith and not grow weary or lose heart (Hebrews 10:32-39; Hebrews 12:1-3).

    To learn more about the plight of Chinese Christians,click here. A video news conference on Gao's release from VOMC partners, ChinaAid and Release International, is available on our multimedia website.

  • Update: Authorities reject Uyghur Christian's appeal

    Alimujiang Yimiti and his family
    Photos from ChinaAid
    On March 16, The People's High Court of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region rejected an appeal from Alimujiang Yimiti (37), a Uyghur house church leader. Alimujiang was sentenced in October 2009 to 15 years' imprisonment for "providing state secrets to overseas organizations" (click here for more information).

    One of his lawyers, Li Dunyong, believes Alimujiang's Muslim background is a large issue in the case. Another of his lawyers, Li Baiguang, reported, "We are fairly sure that there are a lot of factors which are totally outside the law that have influenced the investigation of this case. This is very clear from the procedures that were followed within the courts and from the final decision." (Source: Radio Free Asia)

    Pray that Alimujiang, his wife and their two sons will rest in the knowledge that the Good Shepherd walks with them through this difficult time (Psalm 23). Pray for protection and strength for Alimujiang while in detention. Pray that authorities will act justly in this case and that Alimujiang will be released soon.

    For more on suffering believers in China,click here.

  • Christian activist abducted

    Shen Peilan
    Photo from ChinaAid
    A well-known Chinese Christian activist from Shanghai has been abducted by government officials for the second time in recent weeks.

    Shen Peilan, a seasoned campaigner against government corruption, has not been seen since she was seized on March 24, the same day officials from the Bureau of Letters and Petitions raided her home twice. On their first attempt, they were deterred by police who were summoned by Shen's family. However, officials succeeded in abducting her in a later raid after the police had gone.

    Shen was still recovering from an earlier abduction on March 7, when she was held without a warrant and interrogated by officers from the same bureau for nine days. When church friends reported her missing, lawyers and activists managed to track her down at a hotel in Songjiang and police intervened to free her. Shen had been travelling to Beijing to protest against her house being demolished by local officials earlier this year. Chinese local government officials do not have the power to make arrests unless sanctioned by a higher authority. (Sources: ChinaAid, Release International)

    Pray for the safety and immediate release of Shen. Pray that Shen will not be fearful but trust God (Revelation 2:10). Pray that authorities in China will respect religious freedom.

    You can learn more about the persecuted Church in China by visiting theChina Country Report.