
Detainment / Arrest

  • Church Leaders Detained in Raid
    Men sitting around a table.
    Early Rain Covenant Church members.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    On the morning of November 9th, Elder Li Yingqiang – along with a few other church leaders from the Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu, Sichuan Province – were visiting a new church that had been established in Dazhou, which is about 400 kilometres away. There, the believers of the two churches worshipped together, held a baptismal service and shared communion. However, this special service was abruptly interrupted when police from multiple departments forcefully entered the building.

  • Bible College Graduation Raided
    Christians gathered at a table in a police station.
    Some of the believers who were taken to the police station.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    The Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu, China, has faced particularly harsh opposition by Chinese Communist Party officials over recent years. Despite the ongoing oppression they've encountered, members of this church remain determined in their efforts to continue reaching their community for Christ and training others of their congregation for evangelism. To read previously published reports on the various challenges experienced by this faithful fellowship of believers, see this list.

  • Pastors Detained for Organizing Religious Freedom Conferences
    Alejandro Hernandez Cepero
    Pastor Alejandro Hernández Cepero
    Photo: CSW UK

    In the early hours of October 31st, Alejandro Hernández Cepero, who serves as the pastor of an independent church in Cuba, was taken from his home by state security officers and detained. Another pastor, Luis Eugenio Maldonado Calvo, had been summoned to appear before the authorities that same day, and was subsequently also taken into custody.

  • Christian Tutor Reported by Her Husband
    A classroom is full of empty desks, some chalkboards, and a map of Asia.

    Liu Cui is a member of the Lishi Christian Church in China, which operates a co-op school group for children, despite ongoing harassment from government agencies that want to restrict the religious education of minors. On October 11th, Liu went to the school to help tutor six students from four different families.

  • Street Evangelist Rearrested
    Chen Wensheng is standing outside with his mother.
    Chen Wensheng (right) with his mother.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Chen Wensheng is a street evangelist who has gained a reputation as a "Gospel Warrior" for his evangelistic work. As a result, he has been arrested by the Chinese Communist Party numerous times. (For previous reports, see this page.) When arrested in April 2022, he saw his time in custody as an opportunity to share the Gospel with those at the detention centre. In a social media post published on WeChat, Chen wrote that he was thankful to the Lord for the opportunity to have led 2,067 people to pray to Christ during the past year.

  • Christian Threatened With Prosecution for Sharing Faith
    Vladimir Burshtyn being led by officers.
    Vladimir Burshtyn consistently faces
    opposition for sharing his faith.[br]Photo: Baptist Council of Churches

    On June 1st, Vladimir Burshtyn was detained because he had been sharing his Christian faith on the streets of Drogichin, Belarus. The elderly man received a $300 fine for his actions. (For further details on this incident, go to this report.) However, this was not the first time Vladimir was punished for practising his faith. He was previously fined in 2005 for leading an unregistered congregation, and again in 2008 for sharing his faith publicly.

  • Church Opponent Sentenced to Three Months in Jail
    A man studying the Bible.
    An evangelist in Indonesia.
    Photo: VOMC

    On February 19th, the members of the Tabernacle of David Christian Church were gathered for worship when an angry village leader, Wawan Kurniawan, stormed into the building. Pushing the pastor aside, he demanded that the service end immediately. Ten other villagers joined him, resulting in turmoil, as well as injuries to the pastor. (See this page for more details.)

  • Imprisoned Church Elder Hospitalized
    Zhang Chunlei with his wife
    Elder Zhang Chunlei and his wife
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Elder Zhang Chunlei, along with several other members of the Ren'ai Reformed Church, were arrested by authorities on March 16th, 2021 (see this page). The church elder's trial was held during November 2022; yet, in the months that have followed, his family received no news in regards to the verdict.

  • More Harassment and Sentences for New Life Church
    Vyacheslav and Irina GoncharenkoPastor Vyacheslav and his wife Irina Goncharenko
    Photo: New Life Church

    For several years, the New Life Church in Minsk has faced opposition from the government, including the complete destruction of their place of worship on June 20th. (For more details, click here.) That act of destruction, however, did not stop ongoing harassment from government officials.

  • Pastor and Family Detained; Multiple Other Christians Arrested
    Christians worshipping together in India.
    A worship service in India.
    Photo: VOMC

    A pastor, his wife and their three-year-old son have been jailed in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh after holding a prayer service at their home in Haidargarh on July 30th. Pastor Harendra Singh and his wife Priya were arrested and remanded on allegations of "luring innocent people to Christianity." Because both of these parents were detained, they had to take their young son with them to prison.