

  • Pastor's House Demolished in Orissa

    According to VOMC sources in India, conflicts within the Good Shepherd Community Church in Manikeswari near Raikia, Orissa has resulted in the destruction of the pastor's house and false charges of rape against the pastor.

    Pastor Karnel Nayak had been the pastor of the church for several years. Recently, Angad Naik, a local member, determined to drive the pastor out by starting his own church with several other disgruntled church members. When this did not force Pastor Nayak to leave, Naik sought the help of Hindu militants in the area. The militants demolished the pastor's home on September 8. Fearing charges could be laid, Naik allegedly bribed a church member to accuse Pastor Nayak of raping her.

    Medical tests have proven the rape charges are false and it is expected that Pastor Nayak will be released on bail on September 21. However, a police official has reportedly said that Nayak's life could be in danger if he is released, since many in the community continue to be angry with him. Meanwhile, police have charged nineteen people in connection with the destruction of the pastor's home.

    Pray that truth would prevail and that Pastor Nayak and his congregation will confidently trust the Great Judge with the outcome of this situation (I Peter 5:1-4). Pray that the Lord will keep him and his family safe from harm.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here. Visit https://www.vomcanada.com/ to view video news reports on India.

  • Church Leaders Face Persecution in Karnataka

    Several attacks in recent days in the Indian state of Karnataka demonstrate the difficulties facing Christian leaders in India, according to two reports on September 8 from Compass Direct.

    On September 1, Pastor John Prabhu was at a home in Bangalore, praying for a church member's newborn child when as many as twenty-five Hindu militants dragged him from the meeting, beat him, and took him to a nearby Hindu temple. There they forced the Assembly of God pastor to kneel before the temple idols. He was then taken to the local police station where he was detained for several hours for questioning. The mob accused Prabhu of involvement in attempted forced conversions.

    Two days later, on September 3, a 60-year-old evangelist from the Subramanaya district was robbed and beaten when he was ambushed on a dark country road. Varghese Thomas had started a small congregation in the village of Guttigar when some of the local Hindus began questioning some of his co-workers about reports of conversions to Christianity taking place. Sensing potential trouble, a meeting was called between Thomas and his accusers by Jyothi Premananda, a member of the local village council. As Thomas was traveling to the meeting, he saw an apparent motorcycle accident and stopped to see if the driver was injured. When he bent over the driver, the "victim" suddenly blew chili powder into Thomas' eyes. Fifteen Hindu militants then jumped from the bushes and began beating him with sticks as his wife, Leelama, watched helplessly from their vehicle. One of the attackers came up to the vehicle and told her they would both face a cruel death if they continued preaching in Guttigar. Though a police report was filed, no charges have been laid. Despite accusations of tricking people into coming to prayer meetings on the promise of a better life, Thomas insists that he had never used financial or material assistance to pressure people to come to Christ.

    The logo of the
    Mar Thoma Church
    On the same day, two pastors of the Mar Thoma mission in the coastal town of Akkiallur were arrested following an attack by approximately 150 Hindu protestors. Santosh George and Madhu Mohan were leading a house church meeting when the mob ordered them from the house. The mob, accompanied by reporters and police, demanded that the pastors bring out all their Bibles and literature, which they confiscated as "evidence" that the pastors were forcibly converting Hindus to Christianity in surrounding villages. The two have been released on bail but a hearing is scheduled for September 16.

    Pray that Pastor John Prabhu will have boldness and wisdom as he continues the work God has given him (1 Peter 5:1-4, Ephesians 6:18-20). Pray that God will bring about justice for Evangelist Varghese Thomas (Psalm 140). Pray that he and his wife will be protected from future attacks. Pray that God will give Santosh George and Madhu Mohan the words they need as they stand before their accusers on September 16 (Matthew 10:19).

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in India,click here. Video reports on the persecution of Christians in India are also available on VOMC's multimedia website, https://www.vomcanada.com/.

  • Bible School Students and Leaders Arrested

    Pastor P.R. Anthony, Pastor Reji K. Sunny and five students were taken by police from the Christian Education Institute in Katuwa in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir on August 31. According to the All India Christian Council, they were charged with "abetting conversions" under section 109 of the Indian Penal Code.

    A local Christian leader believes that the militant Hindu organizations Bajrang Dal and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) are responsible for the arrests in an effort to shut down the Bible school. The school has been operating in Katuwa for many years and there are presently twenty-five students. The seven have been released on bail and are scheduled to appear in court on September 16.

    Pray that these believers will keep their eyes on Jesus, finding their encouragement and strength in Him (Hebrews 10:32-39; 12:1-3). Pray that they will rely on the Lord to give them wisdom as they stand in court on September 16 (Matthew 10:19).

    For more information on the persecution facing India's Christian community,click here.

  • Town Bans Promotion of Any Religion Except Hinduism
    Shrine to Hindu god, Venkateshwara

    Each year, millions of pilgrims journey to the town of Tirupati in the Chitoor District of Andhra Pradesh, India to visit its sacred Hindu sites. Especially prominent is the nearby shrine to the Hindu god, Lord Venkateshwara in the hills of Tirumala. According to an August 21 report from the Hindustan Times, a number of Hindu pilgrims complained to authorities after Christians were found preaching near the shrine and handing out pamphlets. The state government has responded by introducing legislation that would ban the propagation of any faith other than Hinduism in the area. If the legislation is passed, those preaching any other religion could face imprisonment and fines of 2000 rupees ($48.00 CAN). Those attempting to convert people to religions other than Hinduism could be imprisoned for two years.

    While India is officially a secular nation, the dominance of Hinduism affects many aspects of the culture and is the basis for anti-conversion legislation in several Indian states, including Andhra Pradesh. A state legislation that only allows for the preaching of Hinduism, however, completely contradicts India's secular constitution.

    Pray that, like the first century Christians, Indian Christians will actually become bolder witnesses because of the increased persecution (Acts 4:29-31). Pray that they will respond with love and compassion toward those who oppose them (Romans 12:17-21). Pray that those who are working to enforce anti-conversion laws will be saved by God's grace (Ephesians 2:8-9).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here.

  • Pastor Forced From Home for Not Bowing to Hindu Gods On the evening of August 21, a group of militant Hindus broke into the home of Pastor Joseph (50) in the village of Kodambi in Karnataka state. The attackers accused him of not bowing before the Hindu gods and of converting Hindus to Christianity. They hauled him and all his possessions to a police station twenty miles away where police took him into custody but released him after a short time.
    Pastor Chandrakanth

    Two Christian leaders in the area, Pastor Johnson and David Chacko, heard of the attack and wanted to help resolve the issue. As the men were leaving for the police station on August 23, they were severely beaten and dragged to the police station where they were detained for a short time. Militants also chased an evangelist named Pastor Chandrakanth from the village and have been searching for other evangelists. Chandrakanth has taken shelter in a nearby city so he can continue his evangelistic work, despite the opposition.

    Pray that these pastors will remain faithful to the task to which God has called them (1 Peter 5:1-4). Pray that they will rest in the knowledge that God is in control and has their best interests in mind (Jeremiah 29:11). Pray that the Holy Spirit will work through their testimony to bring the persecutors to Himself (Romans 12:14, 21, Matthew 5:14-16).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here.

  • Christians Arrested on Forcible Conversion Charges in Madhya Pradesh

    In two separate incidents in the past week, mobs of Hindu militants had Christians arrested on charges of forcible conversion in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh.

    On August 14, Pastor Shaun Kushwaha asked Pastor Vinod Karsal to come and pray for him before he underwent surgery. According to an August 16 report from Compass Direct, as they were praying together in Kushwaha's house in Jabalpur, neighbours gathered together as many as fifty Hindu militants outside. Hearing the ruckus, the pastors hid a Bible before the mob could enter. The house was searched but when no Christian literature was found, they began to search Karsal's scooter. In the confusion, the mob planted evangelistic tracts on the vehicle and then accused him of coercing people into converting to Christianity. When Karsal was taken to the police station, two false witnesses accused him of offering them money to convert. Pastor Karsal has been charged under Madhya Pradesh's anti-conversion legislation

    On August 20, shortly after the worship service of the Sheopur Bible Fellowship Church in Shivpuri, approximately fifteen Hindu militants attacked four Christians including Pastor K.K. Jwala. The militants beat the Christians with field hockey sticks and dragged to the local police station where they were charged under the state's anti-conversion legislation. According to an August 22 report from Compass Direct, one of the attackers alleged that he had been offered a job if he would convert to Christianity. The four Christians were remanded in custody but released the next day. They have been ordered to appear in court on August 30.

    Pray that Pastor Karsal will be acquitted of all charges. Pray that the believers in Shivpuri who are to appear in court will rest in the fact that the Holy Spirit will direct their testimony (Matthew 10:19).  Pray that they will set Christ apart as Lord without giving in to fear of those who falsely accuse them (1 Peter 3:13-17).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here.

  • Hindu Militants Threaten Orphanage Staff and Children

    House of Hope
    orphanages are throughout India

    On the night of August 5, more than fifty Hindu militants stormed the House of Hope orphanage in Dantewara, Chhattisgarh state in an attempt to forcibly close it. According to VOMC sources, the mob was armed with clubs and bamboo sticks. They beat the director, Suresh (35), and threatened to kill him if he continues with the orphanage. They also questioned and threatened several of the children.

    Suresh is presently in treatment for his injuries. Efforts to lodge a police complaint have failed.

    Ask the Heavenly Father to defend these children (Psalm 10:17, 18). Pray that the perpetrators of this crime will know Christ's love, forgiveness and blessing through the lives of the Christians (Matthew 5:43-44, Romans 12:14, 21). Ask God to restore evangelist Suresh's health so that he can continue the ministry God has given him.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here.

  • Situation Improves for Emmanuel Mission International
    Archbishop M.A. Thomas
    and son Samuel Thomas
    Bail for Archbishop M.A. Thomas and his son Samuel Thomas, the leaders of Emmanuel Mission International, was extended by the Rajasthan High Court on August 7. The court also restored the registration of five of the mission’s institutions and unfroze EMI bank accounts. The court also ordered the Social Welfare Department to pull its officials out of the EMI orphanage in Kota district.
  • Oppression Against Christians Continues

    Several incidents in recent days exemplify the severe oppression facing Christians throughout India. As the states of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh tighten their anti-conversion legislation, Christians in areas throughout the country face charges and violence because of their faith and testimony for Christ.

    In late July, Pastor Venketesh was forced to flee his village of Soulanga in the Indian state of Karnataka after he was attacked by Hindu militants and threatened by the police inspector. Venketesh was forced to flee without his wife and fifteen-day-old child. When he filed a police report on the incident, as many as three hundred protestors retaliated by going to his home on August 6 and threatening to kill his wife Manjula and the baby if they did not leave the village within four days.

    According to a report on http://www.konkaniworld.com/, Father Thomas P.T. from St. Michael's Church in Jhapadra, Madhya Pradesh was arrested on July 21 on charges related to the state's anti-conversion legislation. The charges relate to false accusations that the Catholic school in the area was giving free tuition to students who convert to Christianity. Similar accusations have been made in the past and dismissed as false.

    On July 24, two Catholic priests, Soby Thomas and Vinod Kanat, were ambushed by a gang of youths wielding sticks and cricket bats. Both men were taken to hospital because of their injuries. Father Thomas required stitches for a head wound. There have been five arrests.

    On July 29, four young women from the Good Shepherd Community Church were abused and then taken to the police station for showing a film on Christ in the village of Chinnamalpuram in Tamil Nadu. No police report was filed against the four.

    Pray for protection for Pastor Venketesh and his family. Pray that they will stand firm in the midst of their suffering (Psalm 40:1-2). Pray for all those facing legal troubles because of their testimony for Christ. Pray that they will have the words needed to answer their accusers (Luke 12:11-12).

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in India,click here. A recent video report on the persecution in India can be viewed on VOMC's multimedia website, www.vomcanada.com.

  • Attacks Against Christians Continue Throughout India

    Violence against Christians across India in recent days further demonstrates the difficulties facing believers in the most populated democratic nation in the world.

    The ruling party in the Indian state of Kerala is the Communist Party of India. The government has passed a law which will end the independence of religious education in the state. Under the new law, Christian colleges will only be able to choose fifteen percent of the student body. The remainder will be filled by students from a state-wide list. When some Christian schools appealed the new law, a court granted a temporary injunction, allowing them to maintain last year's admissions and fee structure. This decision angered youth supporters of the Communist government. On July 19, they staged a series of attacks on Christian colleges throughout the state. Office equipment, vehicles and furnishings were smashed. Student records were destroyed. There were some injuries in the attacks. Four people were arrested but released on bail. The colleges affected in the attacks were: Tiruvalla Pushpagiri College of Nursing, Trivandrum Mary Matha Engineering College, Nandancode Mohandas Engineering College, Kollam T.K.M. Engineering College, Chertala K.V.M. Nursing College, Kozhikkodu Kuttikkattoor A.W.H. Engineering College, Mukkom K.M.C.T. Engineering College.

    On July 17, three Bible College students from the Harvest Full Gospel Church were visiting patients in the Megan Government Hospital in the city of Shimoga in the state of Karnataka. The three students, Daniel (17), Manju (21) and Umesha (27), were praying for the patients and giving out literature to those who were interested. Hindu militants discovered what they were doing and twenty members of the Rama Sena and Hindu nationalist BJP party forcibly took the students to the police station where they accused the Christians of being in the hospital without permission and converting the patients.  The police immediately arrested the three and sent them to jail. They were released on bail on July 22 and are to appear in court on July 31.

    On the same day, in Bagalkote, Karnataka, four students - Jaganath, Simon, Santosh and Vijay - from the Gospel for Asia Bible College in Bijapur, were visiting homes in the community and distributing copies of the Bible. Members of the militant group Rama Sena beat the youths and dragged them to the local police station where they were arrested. When local pastors requested their release, police claimed that the students were in custody to protect them from the Rama Sena members. The four were released two days later.

    On July 16, police arrested lay pastor Om Prakash Pandey while he was leading worship at an independent church in the village of Daksinwara in the Sultanpur district of Uttar Pradesh state. Police told Compass Direct that villagers were accusing Pandey of preaching Christianity to children. VOMC sources in India report that Pandey, a former Hindu, was detained overnight without food and was beaten by a police constable for converting to Christianity. Local Christians lodged a complaint but police refused to register it. Written statements have been sent to state and national authorities and politicians, asking for action against those responsible and that the rights of religious minorities would be protected.

    Praise God for the courage and evangelistic zeal of these students from Bijapur and Shimoga. Pray that they will be an example of Christ-like love, faith and purity (1 Timothy 4:12).  Pray that there truly would be many conversions as a result of their testimony. Pray that all believers who are facing opposition will take comfort in the fact that God commends those who suffer for doing good (1 Peter 2:20-21). Pray that they would follow Christ's example and entrust themselves to the One who judges justly (1 Peter 2:23). Ask God to give local church leadership wisdom to know how to shepherd the people through these times (James 1:5).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here. A video report on the persecution facing India's Christians is also available on VOMC's multimedia website, https://www.vomcanada.com/.