

  • Christian brothers poisoned

    On December 15, three Christian brothers in Gujranwala, Pakistan were poisoned by their Muslim employers who were angered by their faith and their demands for pay. The brothers had left their jobs as sanitation workers at the Ferozewala Pul Banquet & Marriage Hall because they were not receiving their wages. However, they returned when their employers promised them their outstanding wages, a Christmas bonus and overtime pay. When they returned, the brothers were still denied their pay. They were also harassed by staff members who spoke offensively to them about their Christian faith and called them derogatory names. When the brothers finally demanded their due pay, they were threatened with dire consequences if they did not continue their work. The hall owner and hall manager then forced the three to drink poison. Their family was only contacted when two of the brothers, Imran Masih (29) and Irfan Masih (25), were already dead. At last report, the third brother, Aakash Masih (23), was in critical condition. The Peoples Colony police station has registered a murder and deception case against the hall owner and the hall manager. (Source: Compass Direct)

    Pray that the Masih family will rest in the knowledge that the Good Shepherd walks with them through this difficult time (Psalm 23). Pray that Aakash will make a full recovery. Pray that the hall owner and hall manager will repent and come to faith in Christ.

    Check out thePakistan Country Report to learn more about the suffering of Christians in Pakistan.

  • Update: Imprisoned believers tortured following Islamic attack

    Nauman Masih
    Photo from Compass Direct
    Two Christians who were arrested by officials following an Islamic attack on believers in Gojra, Pakistan (click here for more information), have faced brutal torture and abuse from authorities, according to an October 23 report from Compass Direct. Naveed Masih (32) and his brother, Nauman Masih (25), were arrested in early September for "rioting with deadly weapons and spreading terror with firing." Naveed has been accused of firing shots into the air and at the feet of Muslims in an attempt to disperse them during the August 1 violence. However, both brothers deny using weapons and believe they have been targeted because they provided shelter to over 300 women, children and seniors on the day of the attack.

    The brothers were kept in detention illegally for 18 days at the Police Training Centre in Choong. During that time, police officers attempted to coerce the brothers into saying they fired the shots and had ties to terrorist organizations by denying them food and drink, beating them, hanging them upside down and preventing them from sleeping. Nauman has since been released on bail.

    Learn more about the persecution of Christians in Pakistan by visiting thePakistan Country Report.

  • Update: Christian accused of blasphemy appears in court

    Asia Bibi (37), a woman arrested for blasphemy in Pakistan's Punjab province on June 19 after she and several Muslim women had a heated discussion about Islam (click here for the story), appeared in court on October 14. Bibi's husband, Ashiq Masih, and their two daughters were able to visit with her for 15 minutes before her court appearance. Bibi reported that she has been treated well in prison but misses her family. Another hearing has been scheduled for October 27.

    For more information on the opposition facing Christians in Pakistan,click here.

  • Church burned, Christian found dead

    Fanish - Photo from Pakistan Christian Post

    On September 11, a mob of Muslims burned down a church building in the village of Jaithikey, Punjab province after a Christian man allegedly blasphemed the Qur'an. Two homes near the church were looted in the attack. The Muslims were earlier encouraged at the mosque to "give a lesson to the Christians." The 20-year-old Christian man, Fanish, was arrested on September 12 for provoking a young Muslim woman and throwing away a copy of the Qur'an. On the evening of September 14, Fanish's body was found hanging in his jail cell. Although his death has the appearance of suicide, local Christians believe the visible signs of torture on his body indicate that he was killed.

    Pray for those mourning the loss of Fanish. Pray that the Lord will equip Christians in Punjab province to boldly proclaim His name (2 Corinthians 1:8-9).

    To find out more about Pakistan's suffering Christians,click here.

  • Christians killed for refusing to convert

    Five Christians were shot and killed by Islamists who opened fire at a laboratory in the city of Quetta, Pakistan on August 28, according to recent reports from local sources in Pakistan. The Christians had reportedly been receiving letters from Islamic militants threatening them with death if they did not convert to Islam. Local Christians suspect that the assailants belonged to the same militant group which killed several Christians and ransacked more than 100 homes in the city of Gojra in early August (click here to read the story).

    Thank the Lord for the lives of these cross-bearing disciples. Ask God to comfort those who mourn for them. Pray that Christians in Pakistan will continue to demonstrate Christ's love and hold firmly to faith in Him despite threats of violence and death.

    To learn more about the persecution of Christians in Pakistan,click here.

  • Night of terror for Christians

    On the evening of August 1, a mob of angry Muslims attacked local Christians in the district of Gojra, Punjab province, killing at least eight people, including a seven-year-old child, as well as burning and looting dozens of homes and a church building. The violence came in response to a rumour that Christians had desecrated pages from the Qur'an several days earlier at a wedding in a nearby village. This was the second such attack that Christians in the area suffered due to this rumour. On July 30, Muslims burned down dozens of Christian homes, killing livestock and damaging church buildings in the village of Korian, a few kilometres from Gojra. In both attacks, Muslim leaders encouraged the violence, using mosque loudspeakers to call on the faithful to defend Islam. According to witnesses, the attackers used a fuel that is particularly difficult to extinguish to set the fires.

    Government officials have condemned the attacks with unusual severity and have criticized security forces for their slow response. They have stated that there is no truth to the allegations of blasphemy and promised to rebuild the homes destroyed and financially assist those who have lost family members in the violence. Recent reports estimate that over 200 had been arrested for their involvement in the violence.

    Please pray that those who have lost loved ones in this senseless violence will know God's comfort. Pray for Pakistani authorities as they seek to restore law and order in the region. Pray that those responsible will be brought to justice. Pray that local Christians will respond to this violence in a Christ-like manner, with forgiveness and without retaliation.

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Pakistan today,click here.

  • Christian shopkeeper beaten and detained on blasphemy charges

    Imran Masih (25) was arrested after Muslims accused him of burning pages of the Qur'an in the town of Hajwery, Faisalabad, Pakistan, according to reports from AsiaNews and Pakistan Christian Post. While Masih was cleaning up his fruit and vegetable shop on July 1, he set some paper and books on fire -- a common practice for waste disposal in the area. The Muslim owner of a nearby shop then accused Masih of burning the Qur'an and called for Muslims to kill the "infidel." A group of Muslims gathered and beat Masih until police intervened and took him into custody.

    Later that day, announcements were made from the local mosques calling for Muslims to take revenge on Christians for Masih's "sacrilegious act." A mob of Muslims blocked the roads, chanted slogans against Christianity and demanded that Masih be publicly hanged. At last report, Masih was detained at a local police station and Christians in the region had gone into hiding in fear of further attacks.

    Pray that Masih will be released. Ask God to grant him healing and strength. Pray that Christians in this region will stand firm in faith and find refuge in the Lord's sovereign care (Psalm 127).

    Find out more about suffering Christians in Pakistan at the
    Pakistan Country Report.

  • Muslims attack Christians

    Photo from Sharing Life Ministry Pakistan

    Christians in the village of Bahmaniwala in Punjab province, Pakistan, were attacked by Muslims on June 30 after a believer allegedly committed blasphemy against Islam. When Sardar Masih (38) and his son were returning home on their tractor on June 29, they asked a reportedly intoxicated Muslim man and his nephew to move their motorbikes which were blocking the road. Enraged that a Christian gave them an order, the two grabbed Masih and began to beat him. Later that evening, a group of 15-20 Muslims attacked Masih's family and damaged his home. His tractor was ruined and his brothers sustained serious hatchet wounds. The Muslim man filed a report with local police and told a Muslim religious leader that Masih had blasphemed.

    The next day, a Muslim cleric used the local mosque's loudspeaker to call Muslims to attack Christians. That evening, more than 500 Muslims looted and damaged over 100 homes, burned vehicles and attacked believers. Electricity and water supplies were also cut off. Dozens were injured, including women and children who were reportedly sprayed with acid. One of the women who was beaten miscarried. Muslims have registered blasphemy cases against 11 believers.

    Ask God to enable Christians in Bahmaniwala to grow in Christlikeness through their trials (James 1:2-4). Pray that persecutors throughout Pakistan will be challenged by the consistent testimony of Christ's followers and be drawn to Him.

    To find out more about the persecution believers endure in Pakistan,
    click here.

  • Christian woman facing blasphemy charges

    Asia Bibi and her family
    Thirty-seven-year-old Asia Bibi was recently arrested by police on allegations of blasphemy in the village of Ittanwali, Punjab province, Pakistan. On June 19, some of the Muslim women who work with Bibi on a farm owned by a local Muslim engaged in a heated discussion with Bibi about Islam. Bibi told them that Christ died on the cross for their sins and asked them what Mohammed had done for them. "Our Christ is the true prophet of God and yours is not true," Bibi said. The Muslim women became angry and began to beat her. Some men then locked her in a room. Muslims announced from mosque loudspeakers a plan to punish Bibi by blackening her face and parading her through the village on a donkey. Local Christians informed the police, who took Bibi into custody before the Muslims could carry out their plan. At last report she was being held at a police station in Nankana city and local Christians were urging the police not to file blasphemy charges. However, police claim that they must go forward due to pressure from local Muslim leaders.

    Pray that Bibi will be released. Pray for strength for Bibi's family. Ask God to give boldness to Christians in Pakistan as they witness to their Muslim neighbours.

    To find out more about how believers suffer for Christ's sake in Pakistan,click here.

  • Christian girl kidnapped

    Sajida Masih, the mother of a 12-year-old Christian girl who was kidnapped in the village of Hanif Kot, Gujranwala district, Pakistan and forced to marry a 37-year-old Muslim man, is embroiled in a legal battle to recover her daughter, according to a June 4 report from Compass Direct. On February 23, Muhammad Imran abducted Huma Masih after threatening to kill her, her aunt and her parents. Sajida was ridiculed by police when she sought their help. After three days, officers finally filed the report but listed Huma's age as 16, the legal age for girls in Pakistan to marry. Imran subsequently demanded nullification of the report, claiming Huma converted to Islam and married him of her own will. He also submitted a fake birth certificate which listed her age as 18. Local Muslims have since tried to extort money and labour from Sajida in exchange for information on Huma's whereabouts. At last report, a hearing was scheduled for June 11.

    Pray that Huma will be returned to her family. Pray for wisdom for the family's lawyer. Pray that those who prey on Christian girls in Pakistan may experience repentance and salvation.

    To find out more about how believers suffer for Christ's sake in Pakistan,click here.