

  • Christian School Not Yet Closed

    In a Special Edition Persecution and Prayer Alert on May 25, we reported on the imminent closure of a Christian school in Islamabad (for more information, see https://www.vomcanada.com/pk-2003-05-25.htm. According to an update from Peace Worldwide on May 27, the school was not yet closed, though officials were attempting to remove their signs until some students' parents protested.

    Peace Worldwide is asking for assistance in contacting the president of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf, urging him to act on behalf of their school in Islamabad. You may send him an email at Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. or try to send a fax at one of the following numbers: 92 51 9201835 or 92 51 9201051 (Note: You may have to try several times to get through. We cannot guarantee that either of these numbers will work, but they are most current that we presently have). For help on how to write a letter, you can check out our website at https://www.vomcanada.com/howto.htm.

  • Christian School Given Three Days to Close

    On Saturday, May 24, a school founded and operated in Islamabad by the Pakistani non-governmental organization, Peace Worldwide, received an order from the Deputy Commissioner CDA to close within three days. The school located in H # 291 St, 80 Sector G – 11/2 in Islamabad, Pakistan's capital, is the only private Christian school in the city. The official closure order was given after the owner of the building used by the school, Muhammad Hafiz, indicated that the Christian school could no longer use the building for their activities. Hector Aleem, chairman of Peace Worldwide told The Voice of the Martyrs today that the school has received a number of threats from Muslim militants since the school's founding, attempting to close it down. On January 8, 2001, Aleem narrowly escaped an assassination attempt while he was working in his office at the school. No charges were ever brought against the attackers. Aleem contends that Islamic militants have been pressuring governmental officials to close his school and that this order is the result of their efforts.

    The notice received by Peace Worldwide from the Deputy Commissioner cited that the official reason for the closure order was because the school was situated in a residential area and as such, schools were not permitted to opeChristian School Given Three Days to Closerate there. However, Aleem told The Voice of the Martyrs that there are at least three other schools in close proximity to his school, including the First Government School that is only 50 yards away. The Peace Worldwide school is well loved by the people of the area, Aleem maintains, having both Christian and Muslim students. Government and militant Islamic groups, however, have consistently opposed the existence of the Peace Worldwide school. According to Aleem, there are over 200 private schools operating in Islamabad, but that his is the only Christian one.

    Aleem is asking that Christians around the world remember them in prayer during this time. Pray especially that his appeals to President Pervez Musharraf will be heard and that the heart of the president would be softened to act on behalf of this school. Christian schools are consistently the best schools in Pakistan. General Musharraf, himself, attended such a school as a child. Pakistan presently has a literacy rate of 38%, Aleem points out. "We are helping the Government to increase the literacy rate." Pray, too, for the more than 100 students attending the school and its faculty and staff in the midst of this turbulent time.

    Peace Worldwide is also asking that you immediately write to the president of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf, urging him to act on behalf of their school in Islamabad. You may send him an email at Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. or try to send a fax at one of the following numbers: 92 51 9201835 or 92 51 9201051 (note: you may have to try several times to get through. We cannot guarantee that either of these numbers will work, but they are most current that we presently have). For help on how to write a letter, you can check out our website at https://www.vomcanada.com/howto.htm.

  • Prayer Meeting Attacked

     A prayer meeting at the New Apostolic Church of Pakistan in the district of Narowal was attacked on May 9, resulting in serious injuries to at least two believers.

    According to sources for The Voice of the Martyrs, a group of Muslims stopped and harassed a group of Christian girls on their way to the church that evening. Once the prayer meeting had begun, they entered the church, carrying weapons and yelling. When Mughal Masih stepped outside to speak with the men, he was taken to a field and beaten in the head and chest with guns. He was then stabbed and left bleeding. The rest of the group dragged the guest pastor, Ashraf Masih, out of the church, stripped him, and beat him.

    Mughal was admitted to hospital but has received minimal care because of his inability to pay. Due to threats, the incident was not registered with the police.

    Pray for healing for Mughal and Ashraf. Pray that fear will not impede the ministry, but that they will be able to stand strong in the strength of the Lord.

  • Life Sentence for Blasphemy

    A Christian in Punjab, Pakistan was sentenced to life in prison on April 26 for blasphemy for allegedly damaging an Islamic signboard five years ago. Ranjha Masih has been held without bail since he was arrested on May 8, 1998 following the funeral procession for Bishop John Joseph who committed suicide in protest against the blasphemy laws in Pakistan. During the procession, violence erupted and an Islamic signboard was knocked over. Ranjha was blamed and was beaten by mobs and later arrested and charged under Pakistan's blasphemy law, Section 295-C.

    Islamic militants had been demanding the death penalty but Ranjha denied any involvement and, according to observers, there was insufficient evidence to prove that he was involved. Despite this, on Saturday, Faisalabad Additional District and Sessions Court judge Mohammed Shahid Rafique fined Ranjha 50,000 rupees (over $1200 CDN) and sentenced him to life in prison. Ranjha will be appealing the conviction.

    Pray that this conviction will be overturned and that it will be used to help dismantle this draconian law, which has been used repeatedly against Christians.

  • Family Attacked and Threatened with Death

    A family in Pakistan faces an imminent death threat if they do not renounce their faith in Christ by Friday, April 18. According to an April 14 report from Christian Aid, between 150-200 Muslims attacked the home of Sadeeq, a recent convert from Islam, beating him, abusing his daughters, and giving him an ultimatum to renounce his faith by Friday or be killed.

    Christian leaders are attempting to relocate the family before Friday. Pray for safety for the family and that a new location will be found to live. Pray that Sadeeq will be able to find a job and continue to be an effective witness for Christ.

  • Christian Dies in Custody

    Christians in Lahore, Pakistan were shocked and angered by the death of Rehmat Masih on April 2. Rehmat was arrested on March 18, accused of stealing 300 law books. According to his family, Rehmat was tortured at the Sanha police station and then taken to Camp Jail where his condition deteriorated. He was eventually transferred to hospital where he died.

    Rehmat was employed as a custodian at the Punjab Civil Secretariat (PCS) in Lahore. When 300 law books went missing, a member of PCS Law Department accused Rehmat and another Christian, Iqbal Masih. According to Rehmat's wife, he was illiterate and his only transportation was a bicycle, making the transportation of 300 books (which he could not even read) both impossible and ludicrous.

    Following his death, the family brought Rehmat's body to the PCS office, demanding justice. Police cordoned off the area and pushed back the protestors. Rehmat's cousin, Boodi Masih was hit in the head with a police baton and died of his injuries.

    According to Gulf News, Punjab Chief Secretary, Hafeez Akhtar Randhawa, has demanded an immediate investigation and has registered a case against Sandha Police Inspector Rana Mohammed, Deputy Secretary of Law Ghulam Mehdi and Camp Jail Superintendent Javed Latif. The PCS office is said to be quite shaken by the violence surrounding the protests and some officials are openly critical of the brutality by the police.

    Pray for Rehmat's wife and five children as they grieve this lose. Pray for Christians in Pakistan who often face violence and false accusations because of their faith.

  • Brothers Convicted of Blasphemy Released

    The Voice of the Martyrs has received a report this morning from the Centre for Legal Aid Assistance and Settlement (CLAAS) that two Pakistani brothers convicted of blasphemy have been acquitted and released. Saleem and Rasheed Masih were arrested on June 3, 1999 after accusations revolving around a land dispute. In May 2000, they were sentenced to life imprisonment. Today, Justice Rustam Ali Malik of the Lahore High Court gave his decision, six weeks after the case was heard.

    Praise God for this decision! Pray that Pakistan's blasphemy law (295C) will be repealed. Christians who are acquitted of blasphemy charges have often faced opposition and persecution from those who reject the acquittal. Pray for protection for the brothers. Pray also for protection for their lawyer, Aslam Pervez Chaudhry, who represents several Christians accused of blasphemy and has received numerous death threats.

  • Missionary Murdered in Suspected Setup

    A missionary working among minority groups in the Philippines was shot and killed on January 17. According to Missions Insider, a missionary was riding his motorbike on Mindanao Island when he accidentally hit a motorbike driven by a Muslim. On hearing about the accident, the other missionaries from the team came and police took the two drivers to their headquarters for questioning. A member of the team was wheeling the motorbike home when he was shot in the chest and killed. The killer has not been identified, but he is suspected to be a member of a militant Muslim sect. The other missionary is suspecting a setup, since they had previously received death threats.

    Pray for the widow and their 2-year-old daughter as they grieve this loss. Pray for other missionaries working in high-risk areas of the Philippines.

  • Blinded Church Members Blamed for Church Attack

    At least three survivors of the deadly attack on a Presbyterian Church in Chianwali, Pakistan on Christmas Day have sustained permanent eye damage, according to a report from Compass Direct on January 7. To add to their injuries, Urdu-language newspapers are naming them as probable suspects in the bombing. The three men have been identified as Boota Masih, Afzal Masih and his brother Aslam Pervaiz Masih. Boota Masih's two daughters remain in hospital with injuries. According to one Christian, this is not unusual, as Islamic groups put pressure on the Christians to drop all charges against those responsible for the attack. Some of those injured are also refusing to be released from hospital, afraid to return to their village.

    Three girls were killed in the attack and thirteen other children and their parents were injured in the attack. As more information is made available about the attacks, earlier reports are being contradicted, including the report of a fourth victim. Also eyewitnesses are reporting that the attackers were not wearing burqas, as originally reported. Instead, their faces could be clearly seen and they were identified as local Islamic militants, but witnesses have been hesitant to testify to the authorities because of possible reprisals from police.

    Pray that those responsible for this attack will be brought to justice. Pray for peace of heart and mind for the Christians of Chianwali. Pray for healing for those injured and for the families of the victims.


  • Muslims Urged to Kill Christians

    An Islamic organization, JeshIhle-Alqiblat Al-Jihadi Alsari Al-Alami, has published a pamphlet in Urdu and Arabic calling on Muslims to kill Christians wherever and whenever they are found. The pamphlet, being distributed in various parts of Pakistan, says that this is the duty of every Muslim. According to a report received by The Voice of the Martyrs on January 10, Pakistani Christians are being specifically targeted in connection with the "war on terrorism" in Afghanistan and there is fear for escalated violence if Iraq is attacked.

    Christians in Pakistan and other Islamic countries need our concentrated prayers during this time of uncertainty in the world as militant Islamic groups attempt to make the "war on terrorism" into a "war on Islam."