
Sri Lanka

  • Parts of Anti-Conversion Bill Ruled Unconstitutional

    On August 17, Sri Lanka's Supreme Court announced its ruling to the parliamentary speaker on the proposed "Bill of Prohibition of Forcible Conversion." The court determined that Sections 3 and 4(b) of the proposed Bill violated Article 10 of the country's constitution that "guarantees the freedom of thought, conscience and religion, including the freedom to have or adopt a religion or belief of one's choice." To become law in its present form, the bill would, thus, require a two-thirds majority vote of the parliament, as well as a national referendum. However, the court also added that if the offending Sections are deleted, the Bill will be consistent with Article 10 and would not require the two-thirds majority and referendum. Section 3 of the proposed Bill required a person who is converting from one religion to another and any person performing or involved in a "conversion ceremony" to report to the Divisional Secretary of the area. Section 4(b) stipulated punishments of a fine and prison term for any person failing to comply with Section 3.

    The court further recommended amendments to Sections 4(a) and 5 of the Bill relating to institution of proceedings against an accused. The Supreme Court recommended that action for offences against the Bill should be instituted in accordance with the provisions of Section 136 of the Criminal Procedure Code Act and subject to the written sanction of the Attorney-General. As written, the Bill allows categories of persons including "any interested person" to institute proceedings in a Magistrate's court, without the sanction of the Attorney-General.

    In the ruling, Sections 8(a) and 8(c) concerning the definition of "allurement" and "force" remain as they are, but the Supreme Court suggests the interpolation of the words "for the purpose of converting a person from one religion to another" to bring in the element of intentional temptation or force. Similarly, the definition of "fraudulent means" in Section 8(d) remains the same, but the court suggested that the words "misrepresentation or other fraudulent means" should read as "willful misrepresentation or other fraudulent means."

    In their analysis of the Supreme Court's ruling, The National Christian Evangelical Christian Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL) expressed their continued concern about certain provisions of the Bill, including the extended means given to the definitions of the words "allurement," "force" and "fraudulent means" under Section 8. For example, the word "force" is defined to include not only physical force and harm but also "threat of religious displeasure". Additionally, NCEASL states that Section 2 is too wide in its scope, as it makes even an "attempt to convert, either directly or otherwise..." an offence.

    According to parliamentary procedure, the bill will now go to a Parliamentary Standing Committee for discussion. It will then be sent to the Legal Draftsman for any amendments /re-drafting. This is followed by the second reading in Parliament and then the voting. The bill was introduced by the opposition National Heritage Party (JHU), a party composed entirely of Buddhist monks. The JHU may choose to accept the Supreme Court determination and proceed with a suitably amended version of the bill, in which case, it would require only a simple majority. This process could take several months. They may also choose to proceed with the bill in its present form, seeking a two-thirds majority vote in Parliament and a referendum of the people.

    This proposed legislation is one of two anti-conversion bills being brought to the Sri Lankan parliament. The other was introduced to the cabinet by Ratnasiri Wickramanayake, the government's Minister of Buddha Sasana and may come before parliament. A copy of both proposed bills are available online at http://www.srilankanchristians.com/legislation.html.

    Sources for The Voice of the Martyrs in Sri Lanka are continuing to monitor the situation and will give more details and the implications of this ruling as they become available. Continue to pray that members of Sri Lanka's parliament will drop all attempts to restrict the religious freedom of its citizens. Pray that mob violence will not escalate and that Sri Lankan Christians will reflect the grace and peace of Jesus Christ no matter what the outcome. Especially pray for Sri Lankan church leaders during these days of concern and uncertainty.


    Padukka Church - Destroyed 2002

    The feature article of October issue of The Voice of the Martyrs' newsletter will focus on the plight of Sri Lanka's Christians today. The Voice of the Martyrs will also be releasing a new 30-minute documentary video in October entitled "Faith Under Fire: Sri Lanka." Subscribe today (click here) to keep up-to-date on this and other developments with the Persecuted Church around the world (available only in Canada).

    For more information on the challenges facing Christians in Sri Lanka,click here.

  • Decision on Court Petitions Due August 12

    On August 6 and 9, twenty-two petitions were presented to the Sri Lankan Supreme Court, challenging the constitutionality of a proposed law severely restricting religious conversions. Members of the Buddhist JHU party, who had introduced the bill, also presented petitions in favour. The court is expected to give their decision to the Speaker of the Parliament on August 12. If the court rejects the legislation, a second, even more restrictive law, could be tabled.


    Uduwe Dhammaloka Thera

    Christians throughout Sri Lanka have been working together in opposition to these bills. The general secretary of the JHU party, Uduwe Dhammaloka Thera, claims that many Catholics support this legislation, despite press releases by the Catholic Bishops' Conference in opposition to the bill (see http://www.srilankanchristians.com/press2.html). Godfrey Yogarajah, General Secretary of the NCEASL, describes the proposed law as a violation of basic human rights and urges those who support the bill to reconsider. "We are already fragmented racially," he says. "Do we need religious fragmentation as well?"

    Pray that the judges will recognize the restrictions that such legislation will place on religious freedom in Sri Lanka. Continue to pray for Christians throughout Sri Lanka facing opposition and violence from religious extremists.

    For more information on the problems facing Christians in Sri Lanka,click here.

  • Petitions to be Heard August 6 and 9

    On July 29, the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka filed a formal appeal against the proposed anti-conversion legislation which is presently before the Sri Lankan parliament. Twenty-two petitions have been filed against the legislation while twenty-five are in favor of it. The NCEASL had filed a motion asking that the entire bench of the Supreme Court hear the petitions. However, news reports state that the petitions will be heard by three members of the Court on July 6 and 9. Background information on the proposed legislation, an interview by Godfrey Yogarajah, General Secretary of the NCEASL, as well as a variety of other articles and news releases are available at http://www.srilankanchristians.com/.

  • Private Members Bill Listed; New Website Goes Online

    The Voice of the Martyrs learned this morning that the private members bill on the prohibition of forcible conversion put forward by a member of the Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) party has been listed in the Order Paper of Sri Lanka's parliament for today, 21st July 2004. According to procedure, those who object to the bill have just seven days to file objections with the Supreme Court, counting from today. Please pray for the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka and other Christian groups who are concerned that this legislation will severely restricted religious liberty in Sri Lanka.

    SriLankanChristians.Com WebsiteThis week, a group of concerned Christian citizens from Sri Lanka released a new website, http://www.srilankanchristians.com/, dedicated to be a voice for those whose rights are being violated. SriLankanChristians.com come together from a variety of ethnic traditions and diverse denominations in Sri Lanka for the common purpose of ensuring freedom of religion, worship and practice for Christians in Sri Lanka. This website contains a good deal of relevant and helpful information and The Voice of the Martyrs encouraged you to get involved in speaking out on behalf of our brothers and sisters in Sri Lanka at this time.

  • Christian Organization's Office Ransacked

    The office of the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL) was vandalized on July 3 in what appears to be a systematic search. Sometimes during the day, the attackers forced open the back door. They searched through desk drawers and filing cabinets, breaking locks and scattering their contents. It is unclear at present what exactly they were looking for. Though money was taken from a cash box, robbery does not appear to be the primary motive, since a video projector, camera, computer and other items of value were not taken.

    There are concerns that the break-in may be related to NCEASL's opposition to Sri Lanka's proposed anti-conversion legislation. The organization is presently conducting a public awareness campaign and their first advertisement in the Daily News paper appeared on July 3. NCEASL suspects that the vandals may have been looking for documents related to the campaign. Files related to finances and related to action against the anti-conversion bills before parliament were not kept in the office, however.

    The NCEASL is concerned about being able to continue renting their facilities as a result of this raid. Most building owners are reluctant to rent space to the organization for fear of potential damage.

    An NCEASL spokesperson told VOM, "We are more determined to stand firm and struggle on for religious freedom in Sri Lanka, whatever happens. Incidents like what happened on Saturday only strengthens our resolve." Local police are apparently taking a very laid back approach to the break-in and the NCEASL does not expect justice from the Sri Lankan police or courts at this point in time.

    Pray for the continued ministry of the NCEASL and other Christian organizations fighting to protect the rights of Christians in Sri Lanka. Pray that anti-conversion bills presently before the Sri Lankan parliament will not become law. The Voice of the Martyrs urges Christians from around the world to protest to Sri Lankan authorities against this proposed legislation. Click here for addresses.

    For more information on Sri Lanka and the challenges facing Christians there,click here.

  • Church Leaders Express Opposition to Proposed Law

    Rt.Rev.Kumara Illangasinghe
    Chairperson: National Christian Council of Sri Lanka

    Most Rev. Dr. Oswald Gomis
    Archbishop of Colombo

    Sri Lankan church leaders continue to express their opposition to the government's proposed anti-conversion legislation that is due to be introduced when the parliament reconvenes on July 20. This week, the National Christian Council and the Catholic Bishops' Conference issued a formal press release saying that the proposed legislation "could well be the beginning of an invasion of the right to personal choice."

    Please pray for church leaders in Sri Lanka as they attempt to influence their government. The Voice of the Martyrs also encourages Christians from around the world to write to Sri Lankan authorities, protesting this legislation. A copy of the proposed law can be found on our website (click here). For addresses of government officials that you can write to, click here.

  • Buddhist Monks Stir Up Mob Against Church

    In continuing violence against Christian churches in Sri Lanka, late last week Buddhist monks from the Bodhidumarama temple in Wadduwa, Sri Lanka incited a mob to march against an evangelical church, intending to "rid our village of the fundamentalist plague."

    On the evening of June 19, around fifty monks, accompanied by one hundred and fifty others, marched from the Buddhist temple to the church. When they arrived, they found only two parishioners, along with the pastor's two daughters. After demanding that the pastor be brought to them, they began throwing chairs and tearing down Scripture banners, as well as physically threatening the pastor's daughters.

    One of the daughters managed to call police, who were unable to control the mob when they arrived. After damaging the church, the mob finally left with no arrests being made.

    The next morning, the pastor cancelled services, as he had done the previous Sunday because of threats. Again a large mob gathered and tried to force their way into the church, despite police guards. The rioters threw gasoline bombs, bricks and rocks, damaging the roof and windows. A parapet wall also collapsed. The police used tear gas to disperse the crowd, as well as firing shots into the air. The pastor was eventually forced to announce that he would stop holding meetings at the church.


    Minister of Buddhism,
    Ratnasiri Wickramanayake

    Pray for the pastor and members of this church, along with Christians throughout Sri Lanka facing ongoing violence and opposition from individuals as well as the government. Earlier this month it was announced that various bills were to be introduced in the Sri Lankan parliament to restrict religious conversions (click here for more details). A bill introduced by the Minister of Buddhism, Ratnasiri Wickramanayake, has been approved by the cabinet. Click here to read a copy of the proposed bill. It is expected that this bill will be considered a high priority when parliament reconvenes on July 20. The Voice of the Martyrs is urging Christians from around the world to write to Sri Lankan authorities protesting this restrictive legislation. For addresses that you may write to, click here.

    For more information on persecution facing Christians in Sri Lanka,click here.

  • Anti-Conversion Legislation Delayed

    Last week, the Persecution and Prayer Alert reported on anti-conversion legislation to be presented to the Sri Lankan parliament within two weeks (for more details, click here). It was expected to be introduced as a private member's bill on June 8. However, according to a June 13 news release from the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka, a dispute caused the parliamentary session to be suspended. The next session of parliament begins on July 20. A copy of the proposed bill can be found here.

    A second anti-conversion legislation is also planned by the Minister for Buddha Sasana, Ratnasiri Wickremanayake. This proposed bill would have a wider scope than the private member's bill, making conversion from one religion to another under any circumstances an offence.

    Pray that the efforts of those opposed to the Gospel will be thwarted and that this legislation will not be passed. Pray that those proposing this legislation will come to understand the message of the Gospel and respond to the grace of God. Pray for the Church in Sri Lanka during this time of uncertainty.

    We encourage you to politely express your concerns about these proposed bills. For more information on writing letters to government leaders, click here. Below is contact information for Sri Lankan government officials:

    Her Excellency Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga
    President of Sri Lanka
    Presidential Secretariat,
    Secretariat Building,
    Colombo 1
    Sri Lanka
    Email: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.
    Phone: 94-11-234801
    Fax: 94-11-2421583 
    The Hon. Prime Minister
    Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa
    Prime Minister of Sri Lanka
    Temple Trees,
    Colombo 3
    Sri Lanka
    Email: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.
    Phone: 94-11-2575317 / 2575318
    Fax: 94-11-2574143 / 2575454 / 2575310
    You can also post concerns on his online forum (click here).
    Minister of Buddha Sasana
    Hon. Ratnasiri Wickramanayake
    Minister of Buddha Sasana
    135, Anagarika Dharmapala Mawatha,
    Colombo 7
    Sri Lanka
    Phone: 94-11-2326126 / 2326127
    Fax: 94-11-2424726 / 2437997
    For more information on persecution of Christians in Sri Lanka,click here.


    An act to provide for prohibitions of Conversion from one religion to another by use of force or Allurement or by fraudulent means and for matters incidental there with incidental thereto.

    5. WHEREAS, Buddhism being the foremost religion professed and practiced by the majority of people of Sri Lanka, due to the introduction by great Tathagatha, the Sambuddha in the 8th month after he had attained Buddhahood on his visit Mahiyangan in Sri Lanka and establishment after the arrival of Mahinda hero:

    10. AND WHEREAS, the State has the duty to protect and foster the Buddha Sasana while assuring all the religions the rights generated by Article 10 and 14 (1) (e) of the Constitution of the Republic of Sri Lanka:

    AND WHEREAS, the Buddhist and the non Buddhist are now under serious threat of forcible conversations and proselyzing by coercion or by allurement or by fraudulent means:

    15. AND WHEREAS, the Mahasanga and other religious leaders realizing the need to protect and promote religious harmony among all religions, historically enjoyed by the people of Sri Lanka:

    BE it enacted by the Parliament of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka as follows: -

    20. 1. This Act may be called the Prohibition of Forcible Conversion of Religions Act. No. Have 2004.

    (Short title)

    2. No person shall convert or attempt to convert, either directly or other wise, any person from one religion to another by the use of force or by allurement or by any fraudulent means nor shall any person aid or abet any such conversions

    25. (Forcible conversion illegal.)

    3. (a) Whoever adopts a religion from one religion to another shall within such period as may be prescribed by the Minister, send intimation to that effect to the Divisional Secretary of the area in which such adoption took place. (Intimation to the Divisional Secretary).

    (b) Who ever converts any person from one religion to another either by performing any ceremony by himself for such conversion as a facilitator or by taking part directly or indirectly in such ceremony shall within such period as may be prescribed by the Minister, send in an intimation to that effect to the Divisional Secretary of the area in which such adoption took place.

    4. (a) Notwithstanding contrary to any provision in the Code of Criminal Procedure Act, whoever contravenes the provisions of section 2 above shall, without prejudice to any civil liability, shall be guilty of any offence and on conviction before a magistrate be liable to be punished with imprisonment for a term which may not exceeding five years and also be liable to a fine not exceeding Rupees one hundred and fifty thousand:

    Provided that whoever contravenes the provisions of section 2 above in respect of a minor, a woman or a person referred to in schedule I hereof, shall on conviction before a Magistrate be punished with imprisonment for a term not exceeding seven years and also be liable to a fine not exceeding rupees five hundred thousand.

    (b) Whoever fails, without sufficient cause, to comply with the provisions of section 3 (a) and (b) above shall on conviction before a Magistrate be punished with imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or with a fine, not exceeding rupees one hundred and fifty thousand:

    5. Proceedings before a Magistrate may be instituted in one of the following ways:

    (a) by the Divisional Secretary of the area or an officer authorized by him for the purpose;

    (b) by the Police in terms of Section 136 of the Criminal Procedure Act, No. 15 of 1979, upon a complaint made to the Police by a person aggrieved by the offence or in the case of a Minor, by his or her father or mother or a lawful Guardian or any other interested person who has reasons to believe that the provisions of the act has been violated, acting in the public interest;

    (c) by a person aggrieved by the offence;
    (d) by an Attorney-at-Law;
    (e) by any person authorized by the Minister.

    6. The Minister for the time being in charge of Justice may make rules and regulations for the enforcing and carrying out the provisions of this act and all such rules and regulations so made shall be published in the Government Gazette and shall be placed before the Parliament for approval.

    7. In the event of any inconsistency between the Sinhala and Tamil texts of this Act. The Sinhala text shall prevail.

    8. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires-

    (a) "allurement" means offer of any temptation in the form of-

    (1) any gift or gratification whether in cash or kind;
    (2) grant of any material benefit, whether monetary or otherwise;
    (3) grant of employment of grant of promotion in employment;

    (b) "convert" means to make one person to renounce one religion and adopt another religion;

    (c) "force" shall include a show of force including a threat or harm or injury of any kind or threat of religious displeasure or condemnation of any religion or religious faith;

    (d) "fraudulent" means includes misinterpretation or any other fraudulent contrivance;

    (e) "Minor" means a person under eighteen years of age.


    1. Those persons classified as samurdhi beneficiaries
    2. Prison inmates
    3. Inmates of rehabilitation centres
    4. Inmates of detention centres
    5. Physically or mentally retarded
    6. Employees of an organization
    7. Members of the armed forces or police
    8. Students
    9. Inmates of hospitals and or places of healing
    10. Inmates of refugee centres
    11. Any other category as may be prescribed by the minister by regulations

  • Anti-Conversion Law To Be Introduced

    Within the next two weeks, it is expected that an anti-conversion bill will be presented to the Sri Lankan parliament by members of the Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) in an apparent attempt to stem the growth of Christianity, particularly among Buddhists. The JHU is a party set up by Buddhist monks with the goals of introducing anti-conversion legislation and promoting Buddhism within Sri Lanka. Once on the parliamentary order paper, the only option available is an appeal to the Supreme Court within seven days. Christian groups, including the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka, intend to appeal to the Supreme Court, but are skeptical of the possibility of success, in light of recent decisions by the Supreme Court.

    A copy of the proposed bill is available here. As a private member bill, it is uncertain if either of the major parties will vote with the JHU. However, if put to a conscience vote, it is expected that the bill would pass.

    Minister of Buddha Sasana,
    Ratnasiri Wickremanayake

    If this bill does not pass, the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka reports that the Minister of Buddha Sasana and former Prime Minister, Ratnasiri Wickremanayake, is expected to introduce three similar anti-conversion bills. As minister, it is expected that those bills would pass even if the JHU sponsored bill is defeated.

    Mob violence against Christians in Sri Lanka appears once again to be on the increase in recent weeks. On May 25, a small church building in Navatkerny, Batticaloa District, was destroyed by fire during the night. There are no suspects.

    Pray that the proposed law will not be passed in Sri Lanka. Pray for continued strength for Christians in Sri Lanka, as they stand for the Lord in the face of opposition from authorities and Buddhist mobs.

    We encourage you to politely express your concerns to the Sri Lankan government about this anti-conversion legislation.

    Her Excellency President Chandrika Kumaratunga
    Fax: 94-333707 (Please remember international codes from your country)
    Email: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

    Honorable Mahinda Rajapaksa, Prime Minister of Sri Lanka
    Email: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.
    You can also post questions on his forum (click here).

    Contact information for embassies in Canada, USA and UN is available here. For guidelines on writing letters to government authorities, click here.

    For more information on persecution in Sri Lanka,click here.