Social networking
Including the following links does not imply that The Voice of the Martyrs endorses all of the content contained on the websites.
The Voice of the Martyrs Worldwide
For contact information, websites and email addresses of sister missions of The Voice of the Martyrs, click here.
Strategic Partnerships
The Voice of the Martyrs in Canada has carefully entered into strategic partnerships with credible organizations whose ministries intersect with ours in certain aspects where we feel that that it is more advantageous to work together than separately.
Around the world, our brothers and sisters daily face persecution for their faith in Jesus Christ. The Voice of the Martyrs' sister mission in the United States has created a online tool to help you to minister to and encourage our captive brothers and sisters through writing a letter in their language. Click here to go to
Government of Canada
The Canadian government's official webpages provide the names, mailing addresses, e-mail addresses, etc. for members of the House of Commons and the Senate.
Foreign Embassies in Canada
Click here for a directory of addresses, telephone/fax numbers, and e-mail addresses for foreign embassies in Canada.
Foreign Embassies in the United States
Click here for a directory of addresses, telephone/fax numbers, and e-mail addresses and websites for foreign embassies in the United States.
United States Government Websites
Official U.S. government websites where you can find names, mailing addresses, e-mail addresses, etc.
Click here for the White House site
Click here for the Senate site
Click here for the House of Representatives site
Permanent Missions to the United Nations (New York)Contact Information and Email Addresses
Click here for a directory of addresses, telephone/fax numbers and e-mail addresses for UN permanent missions.