Two hands holding a giftTitle: "God's Greatest Gif" - "Chrismas Blessing" Project Update By Sarah YvonneA large crowd awaits the distribution of Christian literature.

This Christmas season, as we celebrate God’s greatest gift of love to us, His Son Jesus Christ, we rejoice that He has provided The Voice of the Martyrs Canada so many opportunities to reach out with His love to multitudes around the world. In collaboration with the mission’s various credible International Ministry partners, VOMC’s Christmas Blessing project has indeed been a wonderful blessing to persecuted believers in different countries year after year. Through this project, both practical support and meaningful gifts have been distributed over the years to thousands of Christian families and their children – specifically those who are living in regions that are hostile towards their faith.

Living under the constant threat of persecution is deeply traumatizing for children who are exposed to harassment, violence, and even the loss of loved ones. The gift of a Bible, along with practical necessities and toys, can make a real difference in a child’s life. It serves to remind them of the hope and joy we all share through our Lord Jesus, plus the fact that they are loved and prayed for by fellow Christians around the globe. We thank God for the generous donations of our supporters, through which this project has touched the lives of so many Christian families and children in need.

“…whoever welcomes one such
child in My name welcomes Me.”
Matthew 18:5 NIVUK

This year’s Christmas Blessing project, which will be focussing on persecuted Christian communities in Colombia, is being facilitated through VOMC’s partnership with the Colombia Para Cristo Society. Not many families residing in persecuted regions of this South American country are able to celebrate a “normal” Christmas with their loved ones due to a tremendous lack of resources. In addition to the financial hardships experienced by these families, our ministry partners from Para Cristo Society report that “Colombia has a very strong history of child abuse, including child recruitment to hostile groups and persecution towards families who choose to exercise their Christian faith despite opposition from many factions – including the cartel, mafia and insurgent groups.”

In response to VOMC’s sponsorship commitment, our ministry partners report, “The Gospel is the only solution for Colombia, and we believe this investment in [the lives of these] children is something they will always remember, as well as an opportunity to create significant changes in these dangerous regions.” The project’s goal for this year involves the delivery of bicycles, “family care” baskets containing Bibles and additional Christian literature – plus toys, school supplies and other practical necessities – to more than 500 children directly and over 1,000 families indirectly.

As this year’s project progressed, our ministry partners received word that there are now even more needy children residing within these selected communities than initially expected. One of our Colombia ministry partners further explained: “We prayed to the Lord to let us see His hand [in this project], because it’s our desire that no child will be left without a gift. And we praise the Lord because He is helping us.”

Many bicycles have already been purchased for distribution among three Christian communities in Colombia. These communities are located within one of the most dangerous territories of the country. As it’s an area controlled by radical natives, drug lords, as well as guerrilla ELN and FARC paramilitary groups, there are concerns over the resulting high level of delinquency. In addition, Christians residing within this area encounter severe persecution from the rebel factions.

Our ministry partners acknowledge that safely travelling within this territory for the Christmas Blessing distributions can be a great challenge. Nevertheless, the Lord has clearly shown them that this is where the gifts will have the most impact. Please join us in praying for the safety and wisdom of our ministry partners as they joyfully undertake this year’s distributions, serving as the hands and feet of our Lord Jesus in this dark place.

By the grace of God, we are also expecting to distribute over 4,000 Bibles in other Colombian Christian communities. Although we are reaching out among remote areas that have not seen a missionary in decades – if ever – thankfully thousands of pastors and congregations are spiritually thriving. As revival continues to take place in the remote regions of Colombia and its neighbouring country of Venezuela, there is an immense need for more Bibles in various tribal languages. In the midst of these countries’ grim political and economic situations, huge numbers of spiritually seeking souls are surrendering their lives to our Lord Jesus! We praise God for allowing us to take part in His expansive ministry work during this time of great harvest.

As the children in Colombia receive their Christmas Blessing gifts this year, it is our prayer that they will be greatly encouraged by the assurance of God’s tremendous love for them, and that their suffering families will be uplifted and further strengthened spiritually so they can victoriously overcome the trials of persecution. As there will also be opportunities for evangelism, we’re asking the Lord to prepare the hearts of their unchurched neighbours so that even more South Americans will be receptive to the “Good News” of the Gospel.

“Thanks be to God for
His indescribable gift!”
1 Corinthians 9:15 NIVUK

We rejoice over His blessing of our collaborative efforts with such diligent and courageous ministry partners, and hope that throughout this Christmas season and beyond, the light of Christ will shine brightly in the dark places of our world. As a result, may multitudes more in Colombia – and every other part of the globe – experience eternal salvation through the provision of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, the greatest gift of all!

Children sit together. One girl is reading a book with the title, "Jesus."Two girls are looking at the camera.A man is teaching a class of children.