How can I get more involved with VOMC?

There are many ways you can be involved in your church and community. Here are some ideas:

  • Sign up to receive The Voice of the Martyrs' FREE monthly publication so that you can be more informed and pray more effectively for persecuted Christians. Click here to sign up.
  • Host a periodic prayer meeting on behalf of the persecuted Church.
  • Write to imprisoned Christians. You can do this on your own or with a group. Download a PDF of our Prisoners' List and letter-writing guide "Doing Time for God." Click here to download.
  • Distribute VOMC publications to members of your church.
  • Tell your Christian friends about the free VOMC publication and encourage them to sign up.
  • Maintain an ongoing VOMC display in your church to encourage others to pray for and fellowship with persecuted Christians.
  • Show a VOMC DVD to your congregation, Sunday school class or Bible study. Click here to see our resource catalogue.
  • Invite a VOMC speaker to your church. Click here to request a speaker.
  • Use VOMC material for a vacation Bible school.
  • Watch a video on our multimedia page about persecuted believers living in restricted nations. Share the link with your family and friends via email, Facebook or Twitter.
  • Consider being a volunteer spokesperson for VOMC in your area. Click here for more information.