What should I write to government officials?

  • Write a short, clear message.
  • Be polite. Remember you are representing Jesus Christ.
  • State your general concern for persecuted believers.
  • Cite some specific facts in your letter, such as names, arrest dates or specific prisons.
  • Do NOT write about politics or the government.
  • Do NOT mention The Voice of the Martyrs.

Here are some examples of the kinds of things some people have written in the past:

Dear Sir: We are thankful that your law in Vietnam allows freedom of religion. However, we heard that a man named __________ was put in the prison at ____________. We are concerned about this and about his welfare. We are praying for this man, and for your country. Please give your attention to this matter. Thank you very much.

To Whom It May Concern: Last month, ____________, a Christian from [city], was arrested and charged with [the charge]. He was given a [length of sentence] prison sentence. This person is not a criminal; he is simply a Christian trying to follow God's word. Please release him immediately. Thank you.

Dear Sir: Last year, __________ was arrested for __________. The story of this case has been circulated around the world and thousands of Christians know about it. We are praying for him. Please release him immediately, and drop charges. We are praying for you as a leading spokesman for your country.