Bombing Kills Eight in Market

The death toll from a December 31 bomb blast in a traditional marketplace in Palu, Indonesia has risen to eight with at least fifty-six injured, according to VOMC sources. 

The market in the Mahesa district of South Palu was well known for selling pork and dog meat; favorites among Christians in the area but forbidden for Muslims.  It is generally acknowledged that the bombing was the action of Islamic militants against those in the predominantly Christian area.  Most of the injuries were the result of shrapnel from the ball bearings and the head of a mortar round used in constructing the bomb. A second, unexploded, bomb was later found in the area. The attack has been widely condemned by Indonesian authorities and there have been a series of arrests.

Pray for the families of those who died from the explosion:  Tasman Lahasa (39) and his wife, Postedina Malis (35), Agustina Mande (30), Yopi Monon (42) and his wife, Meiso (40), Bambang W Saputra (50), Meme (38) and Puspatina (38). Pray that each grieving family member will find comfort in the fact that their Saviour suffers with them. Ask God to make the victory of the resurrection such a reality that they will find joy in the midst of their pain. Pray that those responsible will find the healing grace of Jesus Christ and be drawn into a personal relationship with Him. Pray that the surrounding communities will witness a Christ-like response to this crime.

For more details on the persecution of Christians in Indonesia, click here. There are number of video reports on the persecution facing Indonesian Christians available for free viewing on VOMC's multimedia website,

  • Country Information

    279,476,346 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Javanese (40.1), Sundanese (15.5), Malay (3.7), Balak (3.6), Madurese (3), Betawi (2.9), Minangkabau (2.7), Buginese (2.7), Bantenese (2), Other (23.8)

    Religion (%)
    Muslim (87.2), Christian (9.9), Hindu (1.7), Other (0.9), Unspecified (0.4)

    President Joko Widodo (2014)

    Government type
    Presidential republic

    Legal system
    Civil law system based on the Roman-Dutch model and influenced by customary law

    Sources: CIA World Factbook.

  • Pray for Indonesia

    Pray for the continued growth of the church in Indonesia, despite the intense opposition and persecution that has taken place. May the destructive plans of the enemy to eradicate Christianity be frustrated and nullified.

    Pray that whatever is intended for evil, God will turn around for good – causing such hatred and violence to not only discredit extremism, but to also compel many to seek salvation in Christ... including the perpetrators of persecution.

Indonesia News

  • 2023 Year in Review
    A group of believers is worshipping together.
    Believers worship faithfully amidst much opposition.
    Photo: VOMC

    Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world. While freedom of religion is guaranteed in the constitution, Muslims generally receive preferential treatment from the government. In order to establish and operate places of worship, permits are officially required; yet, in practise, only non-Muslims must comply. These permits are very difficult for churches to obtain. To be granted an official permit, each congregation must be comprised of a minimum of 90 members and needs authorization from at least 60 non-Christian residents in the area.

  • Mob Attack Forces Church to Host Services Online
    A woman is standing with her hands lifted and eyes closed. She is with a congregation.
    A worship gathering in Indonesia.
    Photo: VOMC

    In the early morning of September 16th, a mob consisting of approximately 50 people had gathered at the front gate of the Maranatha Chapel in Depok City. Mob members angrily banged on the gate while shouting and causing a disturbance. Thankfully, at the time, no service was taking place inside the church building and the crowd eventually dispersed.