Two partially constructed church buildings were burned down by suspected Muslim militants in Sibuhuan village, North Sumatra province, Indonesia on January 22. Hundreds of Muslims from outside the village arrived on motorcycles and burned down the Huria Kristen Batak Protestan Church (HKBP) building and then proceeded to set fire to the nearby Pentecostal Church building. The HKBP church members have worshipped at the site since the 1970s. In 1981 they erected a simple structure and in 2009 they began a construction project on the building. When Muslim leaders demanded the construction stop because a building permit had not been issued, the Christians agreed -- despite the fact that the building permit had been in process for five years. After requests from local Muslims to dismantle the constructed areas, the Christians began to take down the building on January 13. They were unable to complete the dismantling, however, before the mob set fire to the church. At last report, authorities were searching for a location for the churches to rebuild. In the meantime, the congregations are reportedly planning to hold services in believers' homes. (Source: Compass Direct)
Thank the Lord that nobody was injured in these attacks. Pray that these congregations will soon be able to rebuild their churches. Pray that in the face of violence, Indonesian believers will confidently entrust themselves to Christ and preach the gospel without hesitation (2 Timothy 1:7-12).
To find out more about the plight of Indonesian Christians, click here.
Religion (%) Muslim (87.2), Christian (9.9), Hindu (1.7), Other (0.9), Unspecified (0.4)
Leader President Joko Widodo (2014)
Government type Presidential republic
Legal system Civil law system based on the Roman-Dutch model and influenced by customary law
Sources: CIA World Factbook.
Pray for Indonesia
Pray for the continued growth of the church in Indonesia, despite the intense opposition and persecution that has taken place. May the destructive plans of the enemy to eradicate Christianity be frustrated and nullified.
Pray that whatever is intended for evil, God will turn around for good – causing such hatred and violence to not only discredit extremism, but to also compel many to seek salvation in Christ... including the perpetrators of persecution.
Churches in Indonesia frequently receive opposition from hostile community members and local leaders, particularly when they are seeking to build or utilize a worship facility. Christians in at least three separate communities are presently facing opposition for these reasons.
Much of the harassment encountered by followers of Jesus in Indonesia arises from local community members who are opposed to Christian activities. Two recent incidents of community opposition have affected churches in their preparations for this Christmas season.
Local authorities have threatened to evict a church in West Java because of its proximity to the Indonesian International Islamic University, despite the church having met previously in that location for nine years. The HKI Juanda Church in Depok, which consists of more than 150 members, is located on the edge of cultivated land. However, since the university was founded in September 2021, it has taken over the property of the neighbouring land.
A church building in Indonesia. Photo: Wikimedia / F-GSPY (cc)
Two young women were slightly wounded when a mob attacked a Catholic prayer meeting on May 5th in the city of Tangerang, Banten Province. The group meeting, which consisted of 15 Catholic students who had gathered in a home for prayer, was disrupted when armed assailants forced their way into the residence, injuring two females during the intrusion. Some concerned local Muslims attempted to defend the students, with one of them sustaining a minor cut from the attack.