Church Building Sealed

Protestant church
A church in Indonesia
Photo: DayakSibiriak (cc)

The process of establishing and leading a church in Indonesia can be onerous, particularly in areas controlled by militant Islamic groups or where there are few Christians. In an attempt to establish "religious harmony," legislation was passed during 2006 requiring all places of worship to obtain a government permit. In order to receive authorization, approval must be granted by at least 60 non-Christian residents in the area, and churches have to consist of a minimum of 90 members.

While technically required for all religions, permits are practically only enforced for non-Muslim groups. Because the approval process is quite difficult and applications may potentially be rejected, many Christians gather together without the mandated permit. For more information on the challenges facing followers of Jesus in Indonesia, go to our country report.

For the Simalungun Christian Protestant Church in Cigelam, opposition has led to the forcible closure of their church building. On both March 19th and 26th, the congregation's worship services were interrupted by local Muslims demanding an end to all church activities. When the church did not comply with the demands, local officials were notified. On April 1st, the Purwakarta regent, Anne Ratna Mustika, along with members of the police and military, sealed the church building. Regent Mustika suggested that the congregation use a different building. However, the suggested location is too far away and therefore difficult for congregants to access by means of transportation.

The church leaders acknowledge that their congregation consists of only 60 members, which is less than the required 90. However, they also state that the closure should be done through a court decision and not the actions of local leadership. "The government should tell us what requirements we should fulfill; we are of course willing to deal with the locals around our church," said Krisdian Saragih, who serves as the leader of the Purwakarta GKPS Elders Council. "We want to be part of the local community. We really want to know what they expect from us."

Please join us in praying for God to grant the leaders of this church greatly needed direction, wisdom and encouragement as they determine their next steps. May His peace prevail between Christians and Muslims in this community, and among others across Indonesia, overriding any attempts of outside activists to stir up further trouble. Additionally, pray for the Lord's intervention and mediation in regards to the sealed church building, so this congregation can continue worshipping together and reaching out to others throughout the surrounding area with the hope of the Gospel.

  • Country Information

    279,476,346 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Javanese (40.1), Sundanese (15.5), Malay (3.7), Balak (3.6), Madurese (3), Betawi (2.9), Minangkabau (2.7), Buginese (2.7), Bantenese (2), Other (23.8)

    Religion (%)
    Muslim (87.2), Christian (9.9), Hindu (1.7), Other (0.9), Unspecified (0.4)

    President Joko Widodo (2014)

    Government type
    Presidential republic

    Legal system
    Civil law system based on the Roman-Dutch model and influenced by customary law

    Sources: CIA World Factbook.

  • Pray for Indonesia

    Pray for the continued growth of the church in Indonesia, despite the intense opposition and persecution that has taken place. May the destructive plans of the enemy to eradicate Christianity be frustrated and nullified.

    Pray that whatever is intended for evil, God will turn around for good – causing such hatred and violence to not only discredit extremism, but to also compel many to seek salvation in Christ... including the perpetrators of persecution.

Indonesia News

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    Photo: VOMC 

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    A church building in Indonesia.
    Photo: Wikimedia / F-GSPY (cc)

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  • Pastor Accused of Blasphemy
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    A group of believers is worshipping together.
    Believers worship faithfully amidst much opposition.
    Photo: VOMC

    Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world. While freedom of religion is guaranteed in the constitution, Muslims generally receive preferential treatment from the government. In order to establish and operate places of worship, permits are officially required; yet, in practise, only non-Muslims must comply. These permits are very difficult for churches to obtain. To be granted an official permit, each congregation must be comprised of a minimum of 90 members and needs authorization from at least 60 non-Christian residents in the area.