Photo: VOMC
Much of the harassment encountered by followers of Jesus in Indonesia arises from local community members who are opposed to Christian activities. Two recent incidents of community opposition have affected churches in their preparations for this Christmas season.
On December 1st, a church choir in the village of Caile, which is located within South Celebes Province, was rehearsing for a Christmas service when a group of community members suddenly interrupted the meeting. The opposing Muslim villagers insisted that the church members obtain permission from community leaders in order to conduct the practice session. The head of the community association, a man known as Aples, told the members of the Catholic church that the gathering also had to be reported to the local government, further explaining that he was working as a mediator to "protect [his] Catholic friends."
According to one parishioner, the practice was taking place in a multipurpose building. Although the facility had originally been constructed for use as a place of worship, opposition from local Muslims has prevented church leaders from holding any services there. Instead, worship gatherings are taking place in a home outside the community, and the building is being used for other church activities.
In a separate incident on December 8th, Christians were prevented from attending a Christmas service at a pastor's house in Cibinong, West Java, when approximately 100 protestors blocked the believers from accessing the home. The community members claimed that the pastor was not authorized to hold the service in his residence.
According to Pastor Nicky Jefta Makaray, meeting in a private home does not require permission from the Indonesian government. Nevertheless, he had given prior notice to the neighbourhood association, the head of the residents' association, the local police, as well as the military. After tense discussions with the protestors, the pastor changed the location of the service to an open field. However, access was also blocked to that location, preventing the Christians from gathering together to celebrate Christmas.
For Christians in Indonesia and other nations around the world, Christmas is frequently a time of increased hostility from those who oppose the message of Christ. Further information on the persecution of the church in Indonesia is available at our country report.
Pray that God will provide the members of these churches needed encouragement, comfort and guidance as they deal with the objections of their opposing neighbours. Ask the Lord to also provide these believers wisdom as they mediate with community leaders who may likewise disapprove of their Christian beliefs. May He honour the desire of these congregation members by making a way for them to gather peaceably together to worship Him – not only during this Christmas season but also throughout the new year and beyond….