New Attacks Signify Growth

Believers rejoicing in prison
Photo: VOM Australia

According to Christian leaders in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, a significant increase in attacks on Christians is part of a planned campaign by Hindu nationalist leaders.

According to the leader of a church planting network, an average of four or five churches are attacked every day, and the number of arrests of Christians is unprecedented. In addition, the offices of some Christian organizations have also been attacked.

The attacks, the Christian leader explained, are the result of rapid church growth in the region. House churches have grown dramatically, with several serving thousands of members each week. "The church is bigger than the Hindu nationalist leaders knew," he said. "The church has become too big to ignore."

Praise God for this growth! Pray for continued strength and endurance of the church leaders and their congregations in the face of persecution.

India Information

  • Current Ministry Projects

    VOMC assists persecuted Christians with legal support and rehabilitation assistance, and cares for children of martyrs by providing them with a safe place to be nurtured physical and spiritually. VOMC also partners to equip Christians in India with Biblical training and works to strengthen and support marginalized and persecuted Christian women. Additionally, VOMC helps to provide medical assistance to believers who have faced injuries after being attacked.”

    Project Funds: Families of Martyrs, Equipping the Saints, Legal Defense, Relief and Development, Women’s Ministry, Medical Fund

  • Country Information

    1,399,179,585 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Indo-Aryan (72), Dravidian (25), other (3)

    Religion (%)
    Hinduism (79.8), Muslim (14.2), Christianity (2.3), Sikh (1.7), other (2)

    President Droupadi Murmu (2022)

    Government type
    Federal parliamentary republic

    Legal system
    Based on English common law; separate personal law codes apply to Christians, Hindus and Muslims.

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for India

    Despite the intimidation and violence that have taken place in many of India's states, may Christians wisely yet unashamedly preach the Gospel. Pray that indigenous Christians and foreign missionaries will minister in ways that do not hint at fraudulent conversions, unmasking the intentions behind the anti-conversion legislation. Intercede for India's leaders, that they may reign with justice and righteousness.

India News

  • Land Dispute Escalates to Violence
    A group of people - including police - is gathered around the hospital beds of people being treated for their injuries.
    Members of the Janwada Methodist
    church receiving treatment in hospital.
    Photo: Christian Solidarity Worldwide

    For several years, villagers in Janwada, which is located within India's Telangana State, have been demanding that a road in their community be widened. On February 13th, workers moved into the area to start construction. However, it was discovered during the building process that the construction had encroached by several feet onto the property belonging to the community's Methodist Church, which had existed there for 50 years.