Family Longs for Return of Kidnapped Child

Christine's photo on the wall of
her family's place of refuge.
Photo: World Watch Monitor

During a "medical check-up" in the northeastern Iraqi town of Qaraqosh, ISIS militants took notice of Ayda Abada's three-year-old daughter Christine. Suddenly they snatched the child out of her mother's arms and gave the crying girl to a bearded fighter. This story was previously reported in a VOMC-produced video documentary which can be found here.

Two years later, Christine is still missing. Her distraught loved ones, who now live in an Erbil camp for displaced people, continue to suffer sleepless nights and unimaginable fears over her welfare. On the wall of their cabin, they have placed a low-resolution photo of Christine that her brother happened to find on Facebook. The photo had been taken during the time Christine was away from the family.

Christine's mother, Ayda, forces herself to smile when she speaks. Yet her eyes convey a deep sadness that goes beyond expressed words. "We heard that Christine is living with one of the Christian women kidnapped by ISIS. The woman was forced into 'marriage' with an ISIS fighter and somehow managed to take our Christine under her care."

Ayda's days are filled with uncertainty. "Sometimes I fear that my Christine (will) grow older without me and that I will never see her again." She looks down to fight a tear, but this heartbroken mother doesn't want to give up hope. As long as her daughter is in Mosul, Ayda and the rest of the family will not leave Iraq. She will not rest until her little girl is safely back in her arms. "Without her, it's like part of our heart is missing. We are not complete without her."

Please uphold Ayda and her family during this time of uncertainty. Pray that each member will experience God's comfort and encouragement, knowing that He is able to lovingly watch over little Christine. May those holding the child hostage sense a strong conviction to safely return Christine to her family. In fact, let's remember all of the Middle Eastern children/loved ones who have been wrongfully abducted by militants, praying that the estranged families will be miraculously reunited -- giving God praise for His divine intervention. Intercede for the abductors, that they will discover the reality and love of Jesus and, as a result, turn from their sinful ways.

  • Current Ministry Projects

    VOMC is partnering to teach and equip persecuted Christian women sewing skills so that they can provide a sustainable source of income for their families and give them the opportunity to be witnesses for Christ through their new businesses. VOMC partners to provide biblical training on discipleship and the theology of persecution to Muslim Background Believers.

    Project Funds: Women’s Ministry, Equipping the Saints, Underground Church

  • Country Information

    41,266,109 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Arab (75-80), Kurdish (15-20), other (5)

    Religion (%)
    Islam (95-98), Christianity (1), other (1-4)

    President Latif Rashid (2022)

    Government type
    Federal parliamentary republic

    Legal system

    Mixed legal system of civil and Islamic law

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Iraq

    Pray for the protection of the remaining believers in Iraq during this time of upheaval and danger. May many churches and Christian relief organizations seize the opportunity to provide greatly needed assistance and ministry to the numerous suffering people of this war-torn nation. As God’s work of healing, provision and restoration takes place, pray that a stable democratic government will be established.

Iraq News

  • Court Orders Christian Family to Convert to Islam
    Iraqi children are huddled together, smiling and scrambling for the attention of the photographer.
    Children in Iraq
    Photo: Flickr / UN / ECHO (cc)

    A Christian woman is presently facing a difficult ruling after being ordered by an Iraqi court to convert to Islam. The decision is based on the 1959 Personal Status Law, which mandates that children must adopt Islam if one of their parents converts to the Muslim faith.

  • Church Leader Faces Accusations of Blasphemy
    Bahzad Mziri
    Bishop Bahzad Mziri
    Photo: Middle East Concern

    Bahzad Mziri, the bishop of an Anabaptist church in the Kurdistan city of Duhok, is facing threats of blasphemy charges after social media comments were published. Considered by some Iraqi Facebook recipients to be offensive to Islam, the post comparing Jesus to the Islamic prophet Mohammed was made in response to insulting statements published online earlier by a Muslim leader. The post on the bishop's Facebook account was reposted on February 16th by Muslims intent on inciting anger.

  • Oppression of Iraqi Believers
    Man's hands holding a gospel tract
    Those caught evangelizing could face blasphemy charges.
    Photo: VOMC

    A recent report from the American Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East highlights the desperate circumstances facing many Iraqi Christians – both those residing in their country as well as those living as refugees. Over the past two decades, 80 percent of the nation's Christians, which amounts to over one million people, have left the country and chosen not to return.

  • Aid Workers Released
    Devastation from the war
    Some of the devastation
    from the conflict in Iraq.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    On January 20th, four humanitarian aid workers from the French organization, SOS Chretiens d'Orient, went missing while in Baghdad. Details were limited, providing no information on those responsible nor the reasons behind the disappearance. For a previously posted report on this situation, go to this report.