Church Faces Huge Tax Burden

Members of the Pentecostal Church of Jesus Christ in Kyrgyzstan are facing a tax bill which threatens to close the church. According to Vasili Kuzin, senior pastor of the church, this is the reason behind the taxes.

The head office for the church, based in the capital of Bishkek, was assessed with taxes, penalties and fines totaling 4,822,839 soms ($154,000.00 CDN). The church appealed to the Finance Ministry, but on August 15, the inspectorate's decision was upheld.

The church contends that the taxes are against the constitution and the tax laws, which state that "Non-profit social organisations involved in charitable activity are free from taxation." Forum 18 has contacted the deputy chair of the Kyrgyzstan Committee for Religious Affairs, Natalya Shadrova, who says that they will look into the situation.

The Pentecostal Church of Jesus Christ claims to be one of the fastest growing churches in Kyrgyzstan, with 9,500 members and 30 affiliate congregations around the country. Several of the local congregations have been denied government registration and have been forced to close. Pray that this situation will be resolved quickly. Pray also for a continued outreach to the ethnic Kyrgyz, who are historically Muslim.

  • Current Ministry Project

    VOMC has come alongside project partners to offer an English camp as an opportunity for evangelism and outreach among youth and young adults. Camp participants are invited to embrace the Good News of the Gospel through the platform of the English Camps.

    Project Fund: Equipping the Saints

  • Country Information

    6,122,781 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Kyrgyz (73.8), Uzbek (14.8), Russian (5.1), Dungan (1.1), Other (5.2)

    Religion (%)
    Muslim (90), Christian (7), other (3)

    President Sadyr Japarov (2021)

    Government type
    Parliamentary Republic

    Legal system
    Civil law system, which includes features of French civil law and Russian Federation laws

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Kyrgyzstan

    Ask the Lord to empower these church leaders and their congregation members so they can lovingly and boldly proclaim the Gospel in Kyrgyzstan (Ephesians 6:18-20). Also intercede on behalf of the country's political leaders, who not only need wisdom to justly govern the nation but also eternal salvation through a personal and meaningful encounter with the Risen Christ. May it represent the beginning of spiritual revival throughout this land.

Kyrgyzstan News

  • Proposed Religion Law Amendments Rejected
    A map of Kyrgyzstan has a stamp reading "Restricted Access" over it.

    In October 2023, a bill that would put significant restrictions on religious organizations in Kyrgyzstan passed its first reading. Of particular concern to human rights experts were the legislation's vague wording (which could potentially be subjected to abuse) and the strict new requirements for financial reporting. Previously published details on the proposed restrictions are available here.

  • New Bill Further Restricts Nonprofit Groups
    A map of Kyrgyzstan has a stamp reading

    Human rights organizations are cautious as a new bill works its way through the Kyrgyz parliament, passing its first reading on October 25th. If implemented, the legislation would require a nonprofit organization or human rights group receiving international funding to register with the Justice Ministry as a "foreign representative." This act would target any organization engaged in "political activity," which the proposed legislation defines as "action aimed at changing state policy and shaping public opinion for these purposes."

  • Fines for ''Missionary Activities''
    Outline map of Kyrgyzstan, the country's flag, and a faded view of scales.

    In multiple incidents that took place during late March, Christians from registered churches in Kyrgyzstan were issued fines for conducting "illegal missionary activities." News of the raids had not been released until recently due to fear of reprisals.

  • Draft Law Further Restricts Church Registration
    Parliament building - Photo: Wikipedia / Adam Harangozó
    Parliament building in Bishkek
    Photo: Wikipedia / Adam Harangozó (cc)

    If adopted, a draft law prepared by the State Commission for Religious Affairs would continue to ban any worship meetings and religious education from operating without state permission throughout the country of Kyrgyzstan. In addition, this potential new law would make the registration of small religious communities very difficult, if not impossible.