Christian Families Face Expulsion for Their Faith

Families in two villages have been asked to leave their homes and resettle elsewhere because they have turned to Christ. Village chief Keang Khean of north-central Laos has asked all Christians to leave immediately. Tensions are high in the village, which is located in the Chomphet district of Luang Prabang province. Meanwhile, three families in the village of Sanam have been given official notice that they should leave, after experiencing two years of persecution. The 18 members of the Ser, Taam and Thong families had their papers confiscated last year and still have not had them returned.

Prayer has also been requested for a house church in the Hom district of Vientiane province. The four families who founded this church came to Christ after a woman was healed of a serious illness in 2005 when a pastor prayed for her. The families had been attending a church which was a six-mile walk away, but decided to begin a house church in their own village, a congregation that has since grown to include 16 families. However, these believers have faced stiff opposition from others in the village, including accusations that their worship creates disharmony. On one occasion, a police officer threatened them with violence unless they recanted their faith. For more information on the suffering of Christians in Laos, go to the Laos Country Report.

Thank God for the resilience and courage of these Christian families who are risking everything as they bear witness of God's love. May many others be drawn to Christ as a result. Pray for the officials who are demanding these believers to leave their villages...that they will realize how Christianity can serve to actually bring about positive changes to their communities, rather than discord.

Laos Information

  • Current Ministry Project

    VOMC is working with an international partner to provide New Testaments to persecuted Christians, new believers, and those who are earnestly seeking Christ. We believe that the Word of God is a vital tool in combating persecution by helping believers grow in maturity to the fullness of Christ.

    Project Fund: Bibles

  • Country Information

    7,852,377 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Lao (53.2), Khmou (11), Hmong (9.2), Phouthay (3.4), Tai (3.1), Makong (2.5), Katong (2.2), Lue (2), Akha (1.8), other (11.6)

    Religion (%)
    Buddhism (64.7), Christianity (1.7), none (31.4), unspecified (2.1)

    President Thongloun Sisoulith (2021)

    Government type
    Communist state

    Legal system
    Civil law system similar in form to the French system

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Laos

    Pray for strength and courage for Christians as they continue to face pressure and imprisonment for their faith.

    Pray for the government of Laos -- that those in power will continue to improve policies and activities, recognizing the need for freedom for all their citizens.

Laos News

  • Homes Demolished for the Second Time
    Laotian village
    A village in Laos.
    Photo: Vinko Rajic (cc)

    For the second time within the past five months, the homes belonging to a group of believers in Laos were demolished by angry villagers. The village is located in an area of the country considered a "hot spot" for persecution because of the increasing number of Christians.

  • Converts Driven from Their Homes
    A village
    A village in Laos.
    Photo: VOMC

    More than a dozen Christian families from the village of Mai in northwestern Laos were driven from their homes by other members of the majority-Buddhist community. This recent incident is the latest in a string of similar attacks against Laotian followers of Jesus, despite the fact that laws have been instituted in this country to protect the free exercise of religion.

  • Pastor Tortured and Killed
    Sy Seng Manee praying
    Pastor Sy Seng Manee
    Photo: Morning Star News

    On October 23rd, an evangelical pastor in Laos was found murdered after he had been kidnapped and badly beaten. His body was discovered near his motorbike in a forested area outside Donkeo village in Khammouane province.

    According to an eyewitness, three men in a black truck had seized Sy Seng Manee a few days earlier. At the time, the bystander thought the men were capturing a criminal, and so he did not intervene – only to realize later that he had instead witnessed the pastor's kidnapping.

  • Detained Pastor Confirmed Alive and Released
    Pastor Sithong - Photo: Radio Free Asia
    Pastor Sithong at a wedding in 2018.
    Photo: Radio Free Asia

    On March 15th, 2020, Pastor Sithong Theppavong was approached by authorities who demanded that he agree to no longer hold worship services at a small church in Savannakhet Province, Laos (see this report). When Pastor Sithong refused, he was arrested without charge. Earlier this spring, those familiar with his situation were concerned that he was no longer alive since there had been no news of his whereabouts. (To read this previously posted report, visit this page.)