Pastor Murdered for Evangelizing

Families in Laos face persecution if
they practise the Christian faith.

Pastor Singkeaw Wongkongpheng, who received warnings from the Laos government to not evangelize locals, was stabbed to death in his home on September 8th. The attacker is identified as "Mr. Wansai," who claimed he was a secret police officer and prison guard for Pha-Oh Prison. Along with four other men, Mr. Wansai had initially planned to kidnap Pastor Singkeaw and his wife, and then dispose of them secretly, as had been done to another Christian leader and his wife in a separate incident several years ago.

While attempting to rescue his wife, Pastor Singkeaw was suddenly stabbed in the back three times. His wife is now left widowed, and their six children are grieving the loss of their father. VOM's in-country contacts know this village well, and are already reaching out to this hurting family and the members of their church.

Pastor Singkeaw, the founder of the Na-ang Church in Luang Prabang province, had established the church in 2000, just three years after Luang officials began prohibiting Christians in his district and many others in the province from proselytizing. Despite objections from officials, the dedicated pastor continued sharing his faith in five different villages and ministering to those in need.

Four decades have passed since the Communists seized power and expelled foreign missionaries. While the Laos constitution now upholds the right for citizens to adopt and practise a religion, it criminalizes those the officials deem "divisive." AsiaNews reports that "Protestant communities have suffered the most from religious persecution; cases include peasants deprived of food for their faith and clergymen arrested by the authorities." Restrictions on Christian worship have increased since the government issued a new set of guidelines in 2003 for acceptable religious belief and worship. Previous reports can be found at the Laos Country Report.

As Pastor Singkeaw's family now tries to cope with this tragic loss, we pray that God will satisfy their longing souls with His abiding presence and wonderfully provide for all of their needs. May the Lord also encourage the members of the Na-ang Church by blessing them with a new spiritual leader who will serve them and their community with integrity and love. We pray the Laotian believers be granted the grace to wholeheartedly live for Christ and in accordance to His leading, and that the government will recognize the need to heed God's promptings to permit these believers freedom to worship and share their faith. In fact, may the enemy's attempts to stifle the growth of Christianity in Laos backfire, serving instead as a means for many more to hear the Gospel message and respond to the saving grace of Jesus.

Laos Information

  • Current Ministry Project

    VOMC is working with an international partner to provide New Testaments to persecuted Christians, new believers, and those who are earnestly seeking Christ. We believe that the Word of God is a vital tool in combating persecution by helping believers grow in maturity to the fullness of Christ.

    Project Fund: Bibles

  • Country Information

    7,852,377 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Lao (53.2), Khmou (11), Hmong (9.2), Phouthay (3.4), Tai (3.1), Makong (2.5), Katong (2.2), Lue (2), Akha (1.8), other (11.6)

    Religion (%)
    Buddhism (64.7), Christianity (1.7), none (31.4), unspecified (2.1)

    President Thongloun Sisoulith (2021)

    Government type
    Communist state

    Legal system
    Civil law system similar in form to the French system

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Laos

    Pray for strength and courage for Christians as they continue to face pressure and imprisonment for their faith.

    Pray for the government of Laos -- that those in power will continue to improve policies and activities, recognizing the need for freedom for all their citizens.

Laos News

  • Homes Demolished for the Second Time
    Laotian village
    A village in Laos.
    Photo: Vinko Rajic (cc)

    For the second time within the past five months, the homes belonging to a group of believers in Laos were demolished by angry villagers. The village is located in an area of the country considered a "hot spot" for persecution because of the increasing number of Christians.

  • Converts Driven from Their Homes
    A village
    A village in Laos.
    Photo: VOMC

    More than a dozen Christian families from the village of Mai in northwestern Laos were driven from their homes by other members of the majority-Buddhist community. This recent incident is the latest in a string of similar attacks against Laotian followers of Jesus, despite the fact that laws have been instituted in this country to protect the free exercise of religion.

  • Pastor Tortured and Killed
    Sy Seng Manee praying
    Pastor Sy Seng Manee
    Photo: Morning Star News

    On October 23rd, an evangelical pastor in Laos was found murdered after he had been kidnapped and badly beaten. His body was discovered near his motorbike in a forested area outside Donkeo village in Khammouane province.

    According to an eyewitness, three men in a black truck had seized Sy Seng Manee a few days earlier. At the time, the bystander thought the men were capturing a criminal, and so he did not intervene – only to realize later that he had instead witnessed the pastor's kidnapping.

  • Detained Pastor Confirmed Alive and Released
    Pastor Sithong - Photo: Radio Free Asia
    Pastor Sithong at a wedding in 2018.
    Photo: Radio Free Asia

    On March 15th, 2020, Pastor Sithong Theppavong was approached by authorities who demanded that he agree to no longer hold worship services at a small church in Savannakhet Province, Laos (see this report). When Pastor Sithong refused, he was arrested without charge. Earlier this spring, those familiar with his situation were concerned that he was no longer alive since there had been no news of his whereabouts. (To read this previously posted report, visit this page.)