New Believers Persecuted by Family Members

lr new believersSeventeen Liberian believers are being persecuted by their families after having converted from Islam to Christianity. They have been threatened, beaten and ordered to stop attending church and listening to Christian music. As a result of the persecution, many of them have fled to nearby villages for safety.

These young believers placed their faith in Christ after hearing the Gospel from visiting pastors who also gave each of them a pocket-sized Bible. Although they were initially afraid to listen to the pastors for fear of persecution, the new believers continued attending night meetings. The relatives noticed that they had stopped going to the local mosque and eventually learned of their conversions to Christianity.

Pray that these new believers will continue to follow Jesus, growing stronger every day in their new-found faith in Him. May they also encourage one another to stand firm in the face of hostility (Matthew 10:34-39). Ask the Lord to give them opportunities to receive effective discipleship, so they will not only be ministered to personally but also adequately equipped to reach others of their community -- including the family members who are currently opposing them.