Libya Elected Head of United Nations Human Rights Commission

In a move strongly opposed by many nations and human rights organizations, Najat Al-Hajjaji, Libya's ambassador to the UN, was elected on January 20 to the influential position of chairman of the United Nations Human Rights Commission. The position is normally chosen without a vote, but the USA insisted on a vote because of its opposition. Of the 53 nation members of the commission, only three voted against Libya as chair: USA, Canada, and Guatemala. Several European nations were opposed, but for fear of offending the African nations who supported and nominated Libya for the position, seventeen nations abstained.

Libya has a terrible human rights record, including torturing its own citizens. They have been facing US sanctions because of involvement in terrorism such as the 1988 Lockerbie bombing that killed 270 people. Libya is very closed to any religion other than Islam. In August 2002, the Persecution & Prayer Alert reported on fourteen students who had been arrested for converting to faith in Christ. At last report, they had been sentenced to death, but we have received no reports since November 20.

On hearing of the election results, Glenn Penner, Communications Director for The Voice of the Martyrs said, "I can hardly think of something more inappropriate than putting such a violator of human rights in this position. This really is a case of the fox guarding the henhouse."

Pray for Christians in Libya and for these fourteen students facing death for Christ. Pray that, in spite of this leadership choice, the UN will be effective in aiding the cause of human rights in general and specifically freedom of religion in our world.

  • Country Information

    7,252,573 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Berber and Arab (97), other (3)

    Religion (%)
    Muslim (96.6), Christian (2.7), Buddhist (0.3), Other (0.2) unafilliated (0.2)

    Chairman, Presidential Council, Mohammed Al Menfi (2021)

    Government type
    In transition

    Legal system
    Libya's post-revolution legal system is in flux and driven by state and non-state entities

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Libya

    Pray that converts to Christianity will stand firm, despite the threats of suffering and death.

    Pray that strong and effective Christian resources, including Bibles and other literature, will be available in Libya.

    Pray that Libyan Christians will have a strong desire to lead others to faith in the Lord.

Libya News

  • Imprisonment for Leaving Islam
    A dark hall in a prison

    Over three months ago, at least ten Libyan Christians were arrested for converting from Islam to Christianity. Two other believers, one from Nigeria and one from Pakistan, have also been arrested because of their association with these Libyan converts. All twelve arrested believers are being held on charges of proselytism (considered "instigating division" by governing officials) which carry a maximum sentence of death.

  • Christian Convert Sentenced to Death for Apostasy
    Sillhouette of a man looking through a window at a city

    A Libyan appeals court has sentenced a young man to death for converting to Christianity, despite there being no official apostasy laws in the country. The name of the Christian convert, who came to faith in Jesus four years ago, has been withheld for his protection. Though the young believer has faced pressure to recant his belief in Jesus, he refuses to forsake his Christian faith.

  • Threats in the Midst of Renewed Church Growth
    Ruins of Basilica of Justinian
    Christianity was once a predominant influence in Libya, as seen in the Basilica of Justinian.
    Photo: Wikipedia / Hakeem.gadi

    Once an active centre of Christianity during the days of the early church, Libya is now known as an epicentre of persecution that's so extreme, there are few believers today remaining in the country. According to some reports, however, the number of Christ-followers is again starting to grow, despite increasing opposition from governmental leaders and families. For more information, go to our country report.

  • Warnings Against Christmas Celebrations
    Mosque in Ghadames - Photo: Wikipedia / Franzfoto
    Islam is the official religion of Libya.
    Photo: Wikipedia / Franzfoto (cc)

    A recent government campaign against the celebration of Christmas is yet another demonstration of anti-Christian activity orchestrated by the authorities in the North African nation of Libya. A movement to confiscate Christmas decorations from stores was lauded by governing officials on the national news agency. In one city, local police shut down all stores that were selling the seasonal decorations.