Evangelicals Ordered to Leave Town


Pictures are members of the evangelical families
expelled from Santa Catarina.

According to a March 8 report from Compass Direct, eighteen families from the indigenous Huichol tribe, consisting of more than eighty adults and children, have been threatened with expulsion from a second community in less than two years because of their faith in Jesus Christ.

The story of these families began in 1988, when a small group of converts from Santa Catarina began construction of a church building. Because of their faith, believers of all ages faced prison and torture, from seniors to a six-month-old baby. In August 2002, they were expelled from their ancestral community. Leaving all of their belongings, they sought refuge in Tenzompa, more than four hours away. In December 2003, they sought the right to own land for the building of homes and planting of crops. This request was denied and, to prevent any further requests, an order to expel them has been issued. This order of expulsion is to take effect at the end of this school year.

According to Adolfo Garcia, who has been helping to defend their case, what is particularly unusual is that the expulsion order was not signed by the elders from Tenzompa, but by elders from their original homeland of Santa Catarina, making the expulsion order illegal.

Pray that God will intervene in this situation and that these believers will be free to live in peace. Pray that this expulsion order will not be carried out. Pray for the work of Garcia and others working to help these poor Christians

For more information on the plight facing Christians in areas of Mexico, click here.

  • Country Information

    129,875,529 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Mestizo (Amerindian-Spanish) (62), Predominantly Amerindian (21), Amerindian (7), other (10)

    Religion (%)
    Roman Catholic/Syncretism (78) Evangelical (11.2) unaffiliated (10.6)

    President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (2018)

    Government type
    Federal presidential republic

    Legal system
    Civil law system with US constitutional law influence; judicial review of legislative acts

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Mexico

    Pray that the Christians residing within these regions will exemplify the grace of God toward those who oppose them. May these believers be further strengthened and encouraged to continue faithfully sharing the Gospel and demonstrating the love of Jesus. Ask the Lord to abundantly bless and multiply their efforts, resulting in a great harvest of lasting spiritual fruit in the lives of those within their communities and beyond – impacting the nation of Mexico as a whole.

Mexico News

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    Green fields with hills in the background.
    A rural area in Hidalgo, Mexico.
    Photo: Flickr / David Cabrera (cc

    Since 2015, members of the Great Commission Baptist Church in the community of Rancho Nuevo, Hidalgo State, have been prohibited from accessing their land to cultivate crops. On December 21st, Maria Concepcion Hernández-Hernández was physically assaulted for merely viewing her plot of land after being asked by a neighbour to remove two trees from the property. When local leaders were informed that the Christian woman had gone to her land, she was ambushed and brutally beaten.

  • Christians Penalized for Not Participating in Festival
    A group of men praying, arms wrapped around each other
    Photo: VOMC

    For the fourth consecutive year, Christians from the Alpha and Omega Presbyterian Church in Nueva las Tacitas, Chiapas State, are being forced to participate in a religious festival or face fines from village leaders. Every year, the people of the area celebrate the Santa Cruz Festival on May 3rd. This festival is part of syncretistic religious beliefs, involving a combination of Roman Catholicism and traditional tribal religions.