Traditionalists Set Christian Homes Ablaze

Pray for the growing
number of displaced
families in Mexico.

Christians in several Mexican municipalities are continuing to face harassment and expulsion by the country's traditionalist leaders. In early January, believers residing within the municipality of Las Margaritas, located in the southern state of Chiapas, found themselves destitute after their homes were destroyed by armed village leaders who had threatened them for the duration of ten months prior to the incident.

President of VOM Mexico, Luis Antonio Herrera, reports that the nine families had been threatened by village authorities since April of 2015, warning them of consequences if they refused to change their religious affiliation. In October, each adult belonging to the evangelical Christian group was fined $190 for not signing a letter of confirmation indicating the required change. On December 15th, a final ultimatum was given in which the church members were to provide evidence of the mandated conversion. By the afternoon, it was reported that seven of the Christians had been imprisoned for not complying with the village leaders' orders.

Although those held in confinement were released two days later, Luis Herrera adds that on January 4th, 2016, the Christians' refusal to comply had resulted in the burning of their homes and their families' forceful expulsion from the community. This is only one of several such cases involving severe unjust treatment by leaders of traditionalist communities.

In the municipalities of Venustiano Carranza, Cuahtemoc Cardenas, San Jose Yashtinin, and Buena Vista Bahuitz, families are contending with opposing local authorities in their efforts to regain access to electricity and water after being discriminately disconnected. While some of these struggles have been ongoing since 2012, there has yet to be any meaningful recognition of their plight or practical help provided by regional authorities. Previous reports can be reviewed at this page.

Let's uphold these believers in the various mentioned municipalities of Mexico who've faced numerous challenges due to the discrimination and harassment imposed on their families by the traditionalists' unwarranted mandates. Ask God to convict the hearts of the local authorities whose acts of injustice are causing much undue hardship for the Christian members of their communities. Pray that the victimized believers will be granted much more than justice. Most of all, may the love of Christ ultimately prevail in and through the lives of all who are involved in this spiritual struggle (1 Cor. 13:13).

  • Country Information

    129,875,529 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Mestizo (Amerindian-Spanish) (62), Predominantly Amerindian (21), Amerindian (7), other (10)

    Religion (%)
    Roman Catholic/Syncretism (78) Evangelical (11.2) unaffiliated (10.6)

    President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (2018)

    Government type
    Federal presidential republic

    Legal system
    Civil law system with US constitutional law influence; judicial review of legislative acts

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Mexico

    Pray that the Christians residing within these regions will exemplify the grace of God toward those who oppose them. May these believers be further strengthened and encouraged to continue faithfully sharing the Gospel and demonstrating the love of Jesus. Ask the Lord to abundantly bless and multiply their efforts, resulting in a great harvest of lasting spiritual fruit in the lives of those within their communities and beyond – impacting the nation of Mexico as a whole.

Mexico News

  • Christian Woman Severely Beaten
    Green fields with hills in the background.
    A rural area in Hidalgo, Mexico.
    Photo: Flickr / David Cabrera (cc

    Since 2015, members of the Great Commission Baptist Church in the community of Rancho Nuevo, Hidalgo State, have been prohibited from accessing their land to cultivate crops. On December 21st, Maria Concepcion Hernández-Hernández was physically assaulted for merely viewing her plot of land after being asked by a neighbour to remove two trees from the property. When local leaders were informed that the Christian woman had gone to her land, she was ambushed and brutally beaten.

  • Christians Penalized for Not Participating in Festival
    A group of men praying, arms wrapped around each other
    Photo: VOMC

    For the fourth consecutive year, Christians from the Alpha and Omega Presbyterian Church in Nueva las Tacitas, Chiapas State, are being forced to participate in a religious festival or face fines from village leaders. Every year, the people of the area celebrate the Santa Cruz Festival on May 3rd. This festival is part of syncretistic religious beliefs, involving a combination of Roman Catholicism and traditional tribal religions.