Forcible Displacements of Families

Sunset in India

Multiple expulsions of religious minorities from Tuxpan de Bolaños, located in Mexico's Jalisco State, have led to the forcible displacement of 64 men, women and children from the Huichol indigenous group on December 4th because of their religious beliefs. The outcasts were violently removed from their town of residence and taken by truck into the mountains where they were left abandoned.

According to Dr. Jorge Lee Galindo, director of the Mexican religious freedom organization Impulso 18, local authorities destroyed most of the homes, making it difficult for the families to return. Among the 64 expelled citizens were 22 evangelical Christians (7 adults and 15 children). Thankfully, the Christians were able to find shelter at the Puente de Camotlán Church in Nayarit State; and their former fellow residents, the 42 expelled Jehovah Witnesses, have been provided lodging in a municipal auditorium in Bolaños (Jalisco State).

The expulsions of religious minorities from Tuxpan de Bolaños follow the forcible displacement of 20 other Christian families (a group comprised of about 50 individuals, including children) in January 2016, after threats were made against them the month prior. A resolution adopted by the village assembly during that time mandated the expulsion of the evangelicals for refusing to convert to the community's tribal religion.

Even though the Jalisco State Human Rights Commission recommended community dialogue to resolve the issue back in December 2015, religious intolerance of other faith groups persists. Government officials have since taken no action to defend the expelled religious groups nor to command compensation for their destroyed properties. Additional information on the challenges facing evangelical believers in Mexico can be found here.

Pray for the Lord's ever-abiding presence to strengthen and encourage the many wrongfully treated families and individuals. May His protection, provision and comfort serve to remind them of His great faithfulness and the fact that He will never leave nor forsake His people (Hebrews 13:5,6). Ask Him to sovereignly guide them to a safe and welcoming community -- wherever that may be -- so they can rebuild their lives and fulfill the promising plans He has in store for them (Jeremiah 29:11). In the meantime, may they be used as vessels of His compassion and grace by ministering to one another and also to those whom they will meet along their new journey.

  • Country Information

    129,875,529 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Mestizo (Amerindian-Spanish) (62), Predominantly Amerindian (21), Amerindian (7), other (10)

    Religion (%)
    Roman Catholic/Syncretism (78) Evangelical (11.2) unaffiliated (10.6)

    President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (2018)

    Government type
    Federal presidential republic

    Legal system
    Civil law system with US constitutional law influence; judicial review of legislative acts

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Mexico

    Pray that the Christians residing within these regions will exemplify the grace of God toward those who oppose them. May these believers be further strengthened and encouraged to continue faithfully sharing the Gospel and demonstrating the love of Jesus. Ask the Lord to abundantly bless and multiply their efforts, resulting in a great harvest of lasting spiritual fruit in the lives of those within their communities and beyond – impacting the nation of Mexico as a whole.

Mexico News

  • Christian Woman Severely Beaten
    Green fields with hills in the background.
    A rural area in Hidalgo, Mexico.
    Photo: Flickr / David Cabrera (cc

    Since 2015, members of the Great Commission Baptist Church in the community of Rancho Nuevo, Hidalgo State, have been prohibited from accessing their land to cultivate crops. On December 21st, Maria Concepcion Hernández-Hernández was physically assaulted for merely viewing her plot of land after being asked by a neighbour to remove two trees from the property. When local leaders were informed that the Christian woman had gone to her land, she was ambushed and brutally beaten.

  • Christians Penalized for Not Participating in Festival
    A group of men praying, arms wrapped around each other
    Photo: VOMC

    For the fourth consecutive year, Christians from the Alpha and Omega Presbyterian Church in Nueva las Tacitas, Chiapas State, are being forced to participate in a religious festival or face fines from village leaders. Every year, the people of the area celebrate the Santa Cruz Festival on May 3rd. This festival is part of syncretistic religious beliefs, involving a combination of Roman Catholicism and traditional tribal religions.