Leah Sharibu

Leah Sharibu - Photo: World Watch Monitor www.worldwatchmonitor.org
Leah refused to deny Christ.
Photo: World Watch Monitor

The world has been appalled at Boko Haram’s frequent abduction of Nigerian schoolgirls. News that over 100 kidnapped schoolgirls were released by a Boko Haram faction on March 21, 2018 brought joy to concerned parents, a nation and people around the world. The girls had been kidnapped from their school in Dapchi on February 19th and taken to an unknown location. According to those released, five of the girls died earlier due to the stress and trauma of the attack. One girl, Leah Sharibu, remained in captivity for one simple reason: she refused to convert to Islam.

The attackers announced that Leah would also be released if she complied with their demand to repeat the Islamic confession of faith. As a Christian she refused, despite the cost. Leah's parents, Nathan and Rebecca, continue to be concerned. Yet, as Nathan said, "I am very sad; but I am also overjoyed because my daughter did not denounce Christ."

Leah managed to send a message to her mother a few weeks later. It read, "My mother, you should not be disturbed. I know it is not easy missing me, but I want to assure you that I am fine where I am.... I am confident that one day I shall see your face again. If not here, then there at the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ."