Young Christian Women Trapped into Forced Conversions

Pray for the protection of young girls in Pakistan.

A report released by the Aurat Foundation claims that every year, more than 1,000 women from religious minority groups are forcibly converted to Islam. As in previously documented reports, this current one proves that the majority of these victimized young women and girls are Christians. In many cases, rape and forced marriages to Muslim men are used to trap them into contrived conversions. Forced marriages usually follow a similar pattern: the girls (often between the ages of 12 and 25) are abducted, made to convert to Islam, and then married to the abductor or an associate.

Women in Pakistan face significant discrimination, particularly on a religious basis. Each one who is forced to marry under such circumstances has often been threatened or pressured by their husband and his family to declare that their conversion was voluntary, even if the case is taken to court. Forced marriages and conversions are common in Pakistan, but largely ignored by police and civil authorities. For a video presentation on this topic of concern, please click here.

May the Lord bring much needed comfort and consolation to these abducted young women, drawing them into a closer and more meaningful relationship with Him. Despite them having to live in an environment that's strictly opposed to Christianity, may they be renewed spiritually, physically and emotionally through the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit. Ask that their families also be greatly comforted, knowing that God is able to keep that which they have committed to Him (2 Timothy 1:12). Pray that the international community will intervene by conducting thorough and accurate investigations of these heinous acts against vulnerable women and girls, serving as a catalyst in ultimately stopping the assailants and preventing the onset of similar crimes.

  • Current Ministry Projects

    VOMC partners to train Christian women in sewing skills throughout Pakistan to provide a sustainable source of income for their families and encourage them in their faith and witness for Christ.

    Project Funds: Families of Martyrs, Women’s Ministry

  • Country Information

    247,653,551 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Punjabi (44.7), Pashtun [Pathan] (15.4), Sindhi (14.1), Saraiki (8.4) Muhajirs (7.6) Balochi (3.6), Other (6.3)

    Religion (%)
    Islam (96.5), Other - Christian and Hindu (3.5)

    President Asif Ali Zardari (2024)

    Government type
    Federal parliamentary republic

    Legal system
    Common law system with Islamic law influence

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Pakistan

    Pray that amendments will be made to Pakistan's existing blasphemy laws so that the country's citizens – including its children – will be protected from injustice and abuse. May our Lord's mercy and justice prevail, not only in the judiciary system but also in the hearts of the country's militants. Ask Him to transform their "hearts of stone" into hearts that are receptive to His love, mercy and the workings of His Holy Spirit – not only for the purpose of protecting the Christian minority but also for the salvation of their own eternal souls.

Pakistan News

  • Special Video Edition
    Greg Musselman is praying with a family. The parents' hands are covered with the clay from brick making. One of the two small children is looking up to the Daddy.
    Photo: VOMC

    Thank you for your continued faithfulness, compassion and partnership in praying for our Christian brothers and sisters who suffer persecution for the sake of righteousness. This week's special video edition of the Persecution & Prayer Alert focusses on the importance of prayer.