"Greetings, Friend. In keeping with the traditions of the recent celebratory season, and all of our plans for the New Year, I have invited our new Executive Assistant, Jo (Joanne) Phillips to share some thoughts with you. I know the following message will touch your mind and heart for the sake of God’s Kingdom." ~ Doug McKenzie, CEO for VOM Canada

May I take this timely opportunity to wish you a very Happy New Year during this first month of 2016? I have never been a lover of the tradition of New Year’s resolutions, perhaps due to a history of my own failings! Yet when I come across passages in the Bible, like the "Parable of the Talents," they remind me to reassess how I’m doing in this ‘life on earth’ business. I was given the blessing of life and health, and so many other good things, but also the responsibility of carrying out God’s plans for me that were put together before the world was even made! How am I using those figurative but, none the less, conceptually real talents to bear fruit in the Kingdom of God? Have I buried them? Have I taken risks and invested them with prayerful consideration and diligence?

It was as if the proverbial "Star of Bethlehem" had literally crashed into planet earth announcing so poignantly that, despite the innocence of His infancy, everything had forever changed. The understated, yet profoundly ceremonious, arrival of the baby Jesus brought to all of humankind His salvation and judgement wrapped in a swaddling cloth of clemency. Haunted, even then, by ancient prophecies that had for centuries foretold of His lineage, His coming, and His plight on behalf of humanity, Jesus was the "Word" that would divide households, shatter all other Messianic myths, destroy and rebuild temples, while compassionately -- yet determinately -- wielding a two-edged sword yielding true spiritual discernment.

Dear Friend in Ministry,

We, at The Voice of the Martyrs Canada, are grateful to God for your prayerful support as we serve Christ's mission to rescue His followers from the modern-day clutches of evil that's being wielded against righteousness. Often, we pray for and gratefully acknowledge our supporters when encouraging those whom we serve. These persecuted Christians are greatly comforted knowing that they are an integral part of a functioning universal "body of Christ," and that they are remembered by fellow believers. This reality alone brings tremendous strength to their sense of purpose under God's plan.

It was 11:00 o'clock on Remembrance Day.... My VOMC staff and I stood respectfully, with hearts brimming over in gratitude, for those who had paid a painful price -- possibly even the "ultimate price" -- to ensure the religious freedom that, as of today, we still enjoy in our beautiful Canada. My ministry team and I prayed together, thanking God for the privilege of freely living and expressing our Christian faith. Some of us remember, or have heard stories of our own kinfolk, fighting "just wars" against evil fiefdoms. For their most profoundly demonstrated love and faithfulness, we are humbled and grateful.