Pastor and Family Among Fifty-nine Killed, Sixteen Abducted

Servant's Heart, an American non-governmental organization with whom VOM partners in southern Sudan, informed us yesterday that Government of Sudan-led military forces recently attacked ten villages in Eastern Upper Nile. During the unprovoked attack, Servant's Heart has confirmed that the troops killed the region's only Christian pastor and his family, massacred at least fifty-nine unarmed villagers, wounded fifteen and abducted ten children and six women.

Using a combination of rocket-propelled-grenade launchers (RPG's), .50 caliber heavy machine guns and assault rifles, the government-led forces attacked the village of Longochok and nine nearby villages in a night assault during the evening of May 22, catching most villagers asleep in their grass homes. Many of the homes in the ten villages were set on fire by the attackers, with many of the slain burned alive in their homes. Reports from Sudan indicate that regular army officer Second Lieutenant Mohammed Idris led the attack.

During the attack, the government-led military forces also rounded up and abducted ten young children (six girls and three boys) and six woman. Pastor Jacob Gadet Manyiel of the Presbyterian Church of Sudan, his wife and four children were burned to death as the government soldiers stood outside their house and threatened to shoot anyone in the family who tried to escape the flames.

On the very day that these atrocities were committed, US State Department Richard Boucher publicly stated, "We think there is a real prospect to reach a just and lasting conclusion to the [Sudanese] civil war." Sudanese Foreign Minister Mustafa Osman Ismail said after the May 22nd meeting with US Secretary of State Colin Powell, that his government "would sign a peace agreement with the SPLA as quickly as possible, maybe next month."

This attack directly violates the current "cease fire" between the Islamist Government of Sudan and the mainly Christian and animist Sudan People's Liberation Army. It also violates the US Senator Danforth-sponsored agreement by the Government of Sudan to not attack civilians and non-combatants. Reports indicate that there were no rebel soldiers in any of these villages.

"I am shocked by the apparent brutality of the attack," said VOM Communications Director, Glenn Penner. "But I am not surprised after what I witnessed in my recent trip to the region in February. The Sudanese government is a regime without a conscience and without honour. It should be treated as such. The Voice of the Martyrs joins with our friends at Servant's Heart in calling on the United States government to resist pressure to normalize relations with Sudan and to insist that those responsible for these attacks be arrested and prosecuted for 'crimes against humanity.' We also call upon Christians from around the world to remember the families of the slain in prayer. Also, please earnestly pray for the release of the sixteen children and women who have been abducted." Such abductions are most commonly for the purpose of enslavement. Servant's Heart has released the names of those who were abducted as:

1) Nyanop Liech Tiek - girl, 8 years old
2) Nyaluak Liech Tiek - girl, 6 years old
3) Nyabuay Liech Tiek - girl, 5 years old
4) Nyanpal Liech Tiek - girl, 2 years old
5) Ruon Gadet Manyal - boy, 6 years old
6) Reath Gadet Manyal - boy, 4 years old
7) Nyanot Lul Nyuot - girl, 8 years old
8) Nyanpal Lul Nyuot - girl, 5 years old
9) Nyabiel Lul Nyuot - girl, 2 years old
10) Duoth Chuol Kuon - boy, 4 years old
11) Nyadeng Dew Yak - woman, 35 years old
12) Nyator Gay Buok - woman, 31 years old
13) Nyanhial Gadet Bor - woman, 30 years old
14) Nyaduar Deang Jany - woman, 38 years old
15) Nyaboth Thokier Nguoy - woman, 29 years old
16) Nyamuol Chuol Nhial - woman, 62 years old

  • Country Information

    49,197,555 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Sudanese Arab (70), Fur, Beja, Nuba and Fallata (30)

    Sunni Muslim, small Christian minority

    President (to be determined)
    Transitional military leadership in place

    Government type
    Presidential republic

    Legal system
    Mixed legal system of Islamic law and English common law

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Sudan

    Pray that Christians throughout Sudan will continue to entrust themselves to Christ and preach the Gospel boldly, knowing Jesus is the ruler over the kings of the earth (2 Timothy 1:7-12, Revelation 1:5).

    Pray also that peace, justice and religious freedom may be firmly established.

Sudan News

  • Humanitarian Aid Denied to Muslim-Background Believers
    A group of people are gathered closely together under a rudimentary shelter made of poles and white cloth.
    Refugees in Sudan
    Photo: Flickr / EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (cc)

    Now in its eighth month, Sudan's civil war has displaced over six million people, many of whom were forced to take refuge in camps where food and other basic resources are scarce. Some humanitarian assistance has been provided to the country, which is then distributed through smaller local aid groups. According to a Christian ministry worker in the region, this aid has been denied to some displaced followers of Jesus.

  • Christians Wounded Amid Military Violence
    Coptic church and bell towers in Kosti, Sudan
    A Coptic church in Sudan.
    Photo: Wikipedia / Bertramz (cc)

    Five Christians were injured when unidentified gunmen entered a Coptic Orthodox church in Omdurman, Sudan, in the early morning hours of May 14th. Those wounded during the attack were Rev. Arsanius Zaria and his son, a church cantor, a guard and another parishioner. All five believers received hospital treatment and have since been released.

  • Church Leader Arrested on False Allegations
    A service at a chapel in Sudan.
    A chapel in Sudan.
    Photo: VOMC

    For two years, Abdalla Haroun Sulieman lived in Lebanon. Upon returning to Sudan in February 2022, Abdalla declared that he had come to faith in Christ. While sharing his newfound faith with the people of his community, he also prayed with them, frequently asking God to minister healing to those struggling with infirmities.

  • Apostasy Charges Added to Christian Couple's Case
    Blurred faces of Nada and Hamouda
    Nada and Hamouda
    Photo: ADF International

    Hamouda Teya Kaffi and his wife Nada Hamad Koko have been facing ongoing problems since he first came to faith in Christ during 2018. Since it was unlawful for a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim man, Nada's family initially forced her to have the marriage annulled by an Islamic court. At the time, Hamouda could have been accused of apostasy, an offence punishable by death, but he was fortunately spared of any criminal charges.