150 New Christians Baptized!

A VOM worker reports that 150 new believers were baptized recently in the village of Kaboreh, and 80 of them are converts from Islam. The ministry has provided bicycles, motorbikes, megaphones and Bibles to further equip the Christian leaders of this village, and the results of our partnership in prayer and outreach have been astounding. The believers of this village are grateful that many of their former persecutors have come to faith in Christ.

Among the new converts are four village chiefs, all of whom were formerly Muslim. As a result of their conversions to Christianity, the few remaining Muslims have announced that they will no longer obey the newly converted chiefs. However, we can be assured that God's power is still at work in this community as His Word reminds us that He is "not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9).

While we can rejoice over this wonderful news, it's important for us to pray that these new believers will continue to trust in the Lord and not be pressured to return to Islam. May they grow strong spiritually, becoming solidly rooted in their new faith. Please also pray for God's ongoing protection and anointing upon the evangelists who are faithfully serving there in Sierra Leone. May there be more phenomenal church growth as a result.