Vanessa Brobbel

Vanessa BrobbelVanessa Brobbel, a veteran homeschool mom & artist, works developing events and special projects alongside her husband Floyd (CEO) for a ministry called The Voice of the Martyrs. For the past 23 years she has spoken at conferences & women’s retreats across Canada in this capacity. This ministry purposes to create an awareness of the persecution leveled against Christians around the world, while actively providing tools to mentor the Body of Christ both domestically and internationally to grow through adversity.


How to Remain Committed When God Seems Unfair

Lee Strobel commissioned a national survey asking people what question they’d ask if they could only ask God one thing. The Number One response was: “Why is there suffering in the world?” In fact, it is this very question that causes many to conclude that God must not exist, for if He did; suffering, pain, and evil wouldn’t. Right? The question is: Is it worth it to follow Jesus, or do we click unsubscribe? What if we could prepare our children to think Biblically before they’re presented with the questions that challenge the faith? This session puts some tools in your parental and educational toolbox to help prevent “Unsubscribing.”