Equality Law in Great Britain Causes Grave Concerns

Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Conner
Cardinal Cormac
Murphy O'Connor
Photo from
Anglican Communion
Despite opposition from Christian groups, the British House of Commons passed the Equality Act (Sexual Orientation Regulations) 2007 on March 19 without debate in the house. On the evening of March 21, it was passed by the House of Lords after two and a half hours' debate. Only three of the twenty-six unelected bishops in the House voted on the bill.

The law forbids any discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. While exceptions are made for churches and other faith-based organizations, they do not apply to churches or other religious organizations under contract with the government to provide services such as adoption and private education (read the text of the proposed law). The Catholic adoption agencies are prepared to close rather than place children with homosexual couples, according to Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Connor, who has openly criticized Prime Minister Tony Blair and his government for the tactics used in passing the law. Blair has been firm in rejecting any religious exemptions to gay adoptions and has given church-run agencies twenty months to change their policies.

Pray that U.K. Christians will be faithful to God's Word regardless of what men say (Acts 5:29).

Ministry Leader Arrested in Wales for Scripture Quotes on Homosexuality

Stephen GreenStephen Green, director of the UK organization, Christian Voice, was arrested on September 2 as he was distributing a pamphlet to those attending a homosexual Mardi Gras event in the Welsh capital of Cardiff. He was approached by an inspector from the "Minorities Support Unit" of the police after some of the participants took offense at the content of the leaflet (click here to view a copy of the leaflet). When he went outside the park and continued distributing the offending material, he was arrested and charged with "threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress thereby, contrary to section 5(1) and (6) of the Public Order Act 1986." A spokesman for the police told London's Daily Mail that Green had not been violent or aggressive, but that the arrest was solely because "the leaflet contained Biblical quotes about homosexuality."

Pray that the Word of God will take root in the hearts of those who received the pamphlet, and that they will come to know Christ (Luke 8:4-8). Pray that Stephen will respond to his accusers with love and compassion (Matthew 5:43-48). Pray that all charges will be dropped against him.