• Country Information

    Djibouti map & flagPopulation
    976,143 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Somali (60), Afar (35), other (5)

    Religions (%)
    Muslim (94), other (6)

    Government type
    Presidential republic

    President Ismail Omar Guelleh (1999)

    Legal system
    Mixed legal system based primarily on the French civil code, Islamic religious law, and customary law

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Djibouti

    Pray that there will be fruitful ministry as organization workers demonstrate the love of Christ while endeavouring to meet the needs of the people of Djibouti through assisted healthcare, literacy, education, and several other practical means.

    Pray for the strength of Christians who are ministering amid the country's extremely hot, arid conditions.

    Pray for those expressing an interest in Christ, that they may be able to stand firm in the face of opposition – even when persecuted by those closest to them.