Honduras News

  • Violence Threatens Pastors' Lives
    Pray for the safety of church members in Honduras.
    Photo: Flickr / Adalberto.H.Vega

    Eight pastors have been murdered in Honduras in 2013 alone. In the most recent attack, which took place on June 19th, Pastor Eduardo Mejia was stabbed to death. Pastor Mejia led a church called "God Is Love." The other seven pastors killed over the first half of this year have all died from gunshot wounds.

    An estimated 600,000 illegal weapons circulate in Honduras, and most are owned by criminals. According to data released by human rights organizations, Honduras has one of the highest murder rates in the world...about 85 per every 100,000 people. To date, none of the cases involving the murdered pastors has been solved.

    While we know these servants of the Living God will be the recipients of His promised eternal reward for their faithfulness in ministry service, let us pray that this truth and the reassuring presence of Jesus will greatly comfort the hearts of their grieving loved ones and congregation members. According to Psalm 34:18, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted...." We are also mindful of our need to pray for the salvation of the perpetrators who are serving the enemy as 'workers of iniquity' by taking these pastors' lives. May they one day be able to personally experience God's mercy, forgiveness of sin, and His greatest gift of grace which is salvation.

  • Missionary Threatened and Told to Stop Her Ministry in Honduras

    In the evening of Monday, March 26, American missionary Teresa Searcy, members of a visiting medical team, and local believers were terrorized by members of the Honduran police intent on intimidating them because of their ministry among local gangs. After being threatened with violence and interrogated, they were released. Four days later, the Public Security Minister warned Searcy that she would be arrested if caught ministering to gangs outside of prison where she operates a rehabilitation center. For more details, go to VOMC'S weblog for April 2.

    Pray for safety for Teresa Searcy from the threats of local police. Pray that her ministry both in and outside of the prison would be able to continue unhindered and bear fruit. Pray for the peace of God to reign in the hearts of Teresa and all those involved in this ministry.