Detainment / Arrest
44 Christians Arrested; Three Others Released
A cathedral in Asmara.
Photo: Wikipedia / KH (cc)According to a recent report, 44 believers have been arrested from private homes in Eritrea by governing officials since the beginning of 2023. The group – consisting of 39 women and five men – are being held at the Mai Serwa prison on the outskirts of the Eritrean capital of Asmara. No further details are available at this time.
In a separate case relating to three other Christian prisoners, diplomatic action from the Vatican likely played a part in their release. In mid-October, three Catholic clerics – Mihretab Stefanos, Abba Abraham Habtom Gebremariam and Bishop Abune Fikremariam Hagos – were detained, despite belonging to one of the few faith communities approved by the Eritrean government. (See this page for more details on their arrests.) -
Seventeen Months Without a Trial
Minister Yang Rongli
Photo: ChinaAidOn August 7th, 2021, police officers arrested Pastor Wang Xiaoguang and his wife Yang Rongli, along with ten other members of the Golden Lampstand Church in Linfen, China. For Pastor Wang and Yang, this situation was not unexpected, as the ministering couple had previously served prison sentences of three and seven years respectively after being arrested in 2009. (See this page for more details on these prior arrests.)
Sentence Upheld for House Church Pastor
Pastor Hao Zhiwei and her late husband.
Photo: ChinaAidIn July 2019, Pastor Hao Zhiwei from the Egangqiao Church was arrested for allegedly swindling money. The charges came about because the Christian leader collected financial offerings to support the unregistered house church she was overseeing. Since the church is not part of the country's Three-Self Patriotic Movement, authorities of the Communist government deemed it illegal. (See this page to review a previous report.)
Anniversary Conference Leads to Further Charges
Elder Li Yingqiang and his family.
Photo: ChinaAidOn December 9th, 2018, police in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province, began a coordinated attack against members of the Early Rain Covenant Church. This has resulted in the detainment of more than 100 church members – several of them convicted of a variety of charges – and mounting pressures being imposed upon the church during the ensuing years. For more information on the initial attack, go to this report.
Since the crackdown began, members of the church have been unable to meet together in person. Instead, they have held small group gatherings in homes and participated in online meetings. On the fourth anniversary of the incident, members of the church organized an online event, which was initially hosted by Elder Li Yingqiang. As the event commenced, an archival video was played featuring their detained pastor, Wang Yi. In the middle of the video, Elder Li suddenly interjected: "The police are already here. They are knocking at my door. I'll be gone soon." After praying with everyone, he was taken to the police station where he was accused of "disturbing social order." -
Church Leader Arrested at Airport
Rev. Dr. Samson
Photo: VOMC SourceA prominent church leader in Myanmar, who formerly served as the president of the Kachin Baptist Convention (KBC), was reportedly arrested at the Mandalay International Airport on December 5th. After being held overnight, Dr. Hkalam Samson was sent back to the city of Myitkyina in Kachin State where military officers rearrested him, and he has since been detained. The Christian leader was scheduled to fly to Bangkok for medical treatment when intercepted by the authorities.
Christians Arrested at Wedding Reception
Numerous arrests took place at the wedding reception held for a pastor's daughter and son-in-law on November 28th. Acting on accusations from Hindu nationalists in the community, police raided the gathering at the pastor's house in Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh. The host attempted to explain that it was simply a wedding reception and not, as alleged by community members, a "conversion program." However, his pleas were ignored. Nine pastors and the newly married couple were arrested and charged under the state's anti-conversion legislation.
Church Leader Arrested on False Allegations
A chapel in Sudan.
Photo: VOMCFor two years, Abdalla Haroun Sulieman lived in Lebanon. Upon returning to Sudan in February 2022, Abdalla declared that he had come to faith in Christ. While sharing his newfound faith with the people of his community, he also prayed with them, frequently asking God to minister healing to those struggling with infirmities.
Church and Associated School Officially Closed
Inside the Linfen Covenant House Church.
Photo: ChinaAidThe Linfen Covenant House Church has experienced ongoing legal challenges, many of which arose after police officers raided a family camp in August 2022. Two preachers from the church were arrested for alleged fraud and, more recently, two other church workers were suddenly detained without notice (see this page for more information).
Trial for Teachers Rescheduled
In August 2021, four house church leaders were arrested for allegedly carrying out "illegal business operations" due to their involvement with a house church school in Wuhu, Anhui State. Two of the arrested Christians were later released on bail, but the others, Wan Hongxia and Wang Minghai, were formally charged and have since been awaiting trial. For more information on their arrests, see this page.
Additional Arrests Involving Members of Linfen Church
Inside the Linfen Covenant House Church.
Photo: ChinaAidOn August 19th, a family camp run by the Linfen Covenant House Church was raided by police, leading to the arrest of two preachers.
Since their arrest, members of the church have faced severe pressure from governing authorities to corroborate the charges of "fraud" against the two men. The congregants were also pressured to pledge that they will never attend the church again. Most refused but, after intense coercion from members of their workplace and family, some were forced to sign statements claiming that they were "victims" of the alleged fraud.