

  • Multitudes Turning to Faith in Jesus Christ
    Displaced Iraqis set up a tent for Jesus in their refugee camp.
    Photo: Stivan Shany via FRRME.org

    A trusted ministry partner of VOMC recently provided the following encouraging update: "An evangelical worker shared with us that many Muslims are very open to the Gospel now. Since ISIS began its terror raid on Mosul and surrounding cities and villages, thousands have fled to safe areas. Many of those who have responded with aid (to the immense needs of these refugees) are Christians from the West. Because of the kindness and love shown to the Muslim people, many hearts are open to the Gospel like never before. Another important dynamic is the brutality of the Islamic terrorists which has caused Muslims who do not support this group to turn away from Islam and instead place their faith in Jesus of the Bible.

    "The Christian worker further told us that he visited more than 100 Muslims who are close to becoming believers in the Lord Jesus. It is exciting to see this openness! A strong prayer point can be found in Matthew 9:37-38 where Jesus said the workers are few. Because large numbers are coming to faith, there is a need for mature Christians who are able to disciple these new believers."

    In the above mentioned Scriptural passage, Jesus is quoted as stating: "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the labourers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His harvest" (NKJV).

    Praise God for the ways in which He is moving in Iraq, despite the horrors inflicted upon the people by ISIS. May His love and grace continue to abound within the hearts of the Iraqi people, resulting in a great harvest. Pray, too, that the Lord will equip many "labourers" for this harvest -- pastors, teachers and other mature Christians -- to encourage and disciple the growing church in this beleaguered area of the world. As you intercede for the country of Iraq, ask that the plans of the militant group be thwarted and that the establishment of God's peace and stability will instead prevail for all of its people.

  • Authorities Demolish Church Building
    The destroyed church in Harar.
    Photo: International Christian Concern

    Local authorities in the Muslim-majority city of Harar destroyed a church building on November 28th. Heaven's Light Church, which served approximately 100 congregants, had ministered in the area for five years. At last report, these Christians are now meeting in the homes of individual believers.

    In the days preceding the destruction, officials forcibly removed the church's exterior sign and warned believers not to worship there, citing complaints by a local Muslim. Authorities also told church members who had previously congregated at the church "not to gather under what remains of the church building." Furthermore, Christian leaders who protested the mistreatment were illegally detained, released only after community members called for their immediate release.

    According to religious freedom advocates, there are numerous ongoing battles over land rights occurring between churches and local governments across the country. Efforts by the Muslim-majority populations to "eliminate the public presence" of churches has resulted in the forceful closure, destruction and demolition of several church buildings in recent years.

    In the aftermath of the destruction of their church building, may these Ethiopian brothers and sisters in Christ be strengthened and encouraged through the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit. Intercede for these dear believers, requesting that another suitable building will soon be found. Until that time, pray that each one of them would be able to continue meeting together for worship without any further opposition. Also remember the authorities and local Muslims involved in this case, asking God to use the witness of His children in Harar to draw many to our Saviour and Lord Jesus.

  • Prisoners of Faith Persevere Despite Hardship
    Ebrahim Hossin-Zadeh
    Photo: Mohabat News

    As Christians continue to face imprisonment in Iran due to their faith in Jesus Christ, we ask that you specifically remember the following believers in your prayers this week.

    In mid-November, authorities arrested 32-year-old Ebrahim Hossin-Zadeh, a house church leader in the city of Shirza, after raiding his residence. Many of Ebrahim's personal belongings were confiscated -- including his books, cell phone and computer. The church leader, who converted to Christianity several years ago, was interrogated before being transferred to a detention centre. At last report, no further information had been provided to his family regarding his whereabouts or condition.

    Meanwhile, authorities have increased Farshid Fathi's sentence by one year. Farshid, a house church leader who has already served more than four years of his original six-year sentence, will now have to endure three more years of incarceration. The increased sentence is reportedly related to a controversial security raid at Evin Prison that left the Christian man hospitalized with a broken leg and damaged joints. (For more information on these injuries, read a previous prayer alert.)

    On a positive note, six-year prison charges placed against three Christian men were revoked in early December. Behnam Irani, Matthias Haghnejad and Silas Rabbani were initially charged with the capital offence of "spreading corruption on earth." Behnam and Matthias were later accused of "enmity of God." These charges were dropped and the men were instead tried for "action against national security" and "creating a network to overthrow the system." Matthias and Silas were released after the charges were dropped; however, Behnam remains imprisoned in Karaj where he is serving a previous one-year sentence for "action against the state" and a five-year sentence for "action against national security." (For more information on the trials these men have faced, go to this page.)

    While praising God for the release of Matthias and Silas, let us remember in prayer the many others who remain imprisoned in Iran because of their faith. In particular, lift up Ebrahim, Farshid and Behnam to our gracious Heavenly Father, asking that He sustain and protect them as they languish in prison. Pray that the charges placed against them will be dropped and, as a result, they would soon be released! In the meantime, may they follow the Lord faithfully even while in chains, interceding for their fellow inmates and serving as effective testimonies. Additionally, ask God to encourage the hearts of these believers' loved ones as they navigate the legal system and try to go about their daily lives with His ongoing help and strength.