

  • Dedicated Servant to the Poor Garners Eternal Reward
    Pastor Joshua Adah served
    in remote areas of Nigeria.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    A Christian father of two young children was slain on January 23rd in Taraba State. On the day of the attack, Pastor Joshua Adah was away visiting several villagers as part of an evangelistic outreach. While on his way back to the village of Bantaje, the church leader's vehicle broke down and he was brutally killed by Muslim Fulani herdsmen and members of Boko Haram. Pastor Joshua is survived by his wife and their two children, ages six and eight.

    Pastor Joshua is being fondly remembered for his heart for the poor. His ministry brought education, medicine and clothing to thousands of impoverished people. "I don't know why God allowed Boko Haram to cut his life short," a ministry supporter shared of the faithful church leader. "Even when it became dangerous, he refused to (leave) but kept preaching Christ in villages and areas where many will not go."

    May our Lord of all compassion look with mercy on Pastor Joshua's grieving loved ones, sheltering each one under His wings of refuge (Psalm 91:4). In particular, pray that his wife and two young children will be surrounded and supported by their church family as they adapt to life without their beloved husband and father. May God also raise up new leaders to continue Pastor Joshua's vitally needed ministry work so that many thousands more will be shown His love and turn to faith in His Son Jesus.

    To learn more about the trials our Christian family in Nigeria faces, you can read our Country Report.

  • Young Christian Man Shot to Death Outside Church Building
    A church in Mombasa, Kenya.
    Photo: Wikimedia Commons / Daryona

    A Christian man was shot and killed just outside a church gate in Mombasa on January 11th after he was mistakenly identified as the church's pastor. George Muriki, a 25-year-old university student, was at the gate of his church building when approached by unidentified gunmen. One of the attackers announced, "This is the church pastor." Witnesses say the assailants then shot the innocent young man three times in the back before fleeing on a motorbike. Two nearby policemen responded quickly and, thankfully, were able to prevent further attacks on the church.

    The pastor was inside the church concluding the first service at the time of the shooting. He believes the murderers are the same people who have been following him for the past three months. After the shooting incident, he and his family moved into another home to avoid possible attack. Police report that the assailants could be members of an active Islamic terror cell located within the city, whose members have been blamed for past assaults.

    As the family and friends of the slain victim now grieve their devastating loss, pray that they will find solace in the hope provided through Christ's atoning death and resurrection. May God somehow use this senseless attack for His glory and higher purposes, drawing many others -- especially young people -- to faith in Him. Also pray for the perpetrators of the shooting, asking the Lord to move mightily in their hearts so that they may repent of their sins and experience His forgiveness and salvation.

  • Three Believers Killed by Militant Muslim Group

    On January 15th, a militant Islamic group in Central Sulawesi killed three Christian men in separate attacks.

    One of those callously murdered was 22-year-old Tomi Alipa. Tomi was working with his mother, Jana, and sister, Dian, near their home in Tangkura village at the time of the attack. He had just left to take the family's cattle home when the two women heard three gunshots.

    After finding her son's lifeless body, distraught Jana confronted a group of about eight Muslim men and demanded to know why they had killed Tomi. The men told her it was in retaliation for the arrest of their friends who were members of the East Indonesian Mujahidin (MIT). The other two murdered believers are Heri Tobio, 59, and Imanuel Tetembu, 56.

    Please bring the grieving families of Tomi, Heri and Imanuel to our gracious Heavenly Father in prayer, asking that He surround each one with His enduring peace, comfort and healing. May they not seek retaliation, but instead be willing to forgive and intercede for the militants who perpetrated these heartless attacks. Finally, pray that even amid the aftermath of these atrocious crimes, God will continue to refine and expand His church in Central Sulawesi while ministering to the dire needs of His suffering people.

    For more information on Indonesia's persecuted church, visit this page.