

  • Concern Continues for Abducted Christians

    Nineteen Assyrian Christians who were captured recently by members of the Islamic State (ISIS) militant group have thankfully been released. The believers were freed on March 1st. According to sources, an Islamic court may have ordered their release after "tax payments" were made on their behalf.

    The released believers were seized along with more than 200 other Christians on February 23rd in Hassaka Governorate -- an area in which there are approximately 35 predominately Christian villages. During the assault, over a thousand Christians were forced to flee their homes to escape the militants. Grave concerns remain for the hundreds of Christ-followers who are still being held by ISIS.

    Let us first thank the Lord for the safe release of these 19 Christians! Pray that He will now heal and restore each one of them after experiencing this horrifying ordeal. May the others who have been kidnapped also soon be released. Until that time, ask that their hearts be shielded from fear or doubt. Pray also that the abducted believers will serve as effective witnesses of the Gospel to their captors, so that many of the militants will come to know Jesus Christ as their own Saviour and Lord.

  • Christian Teenager Beaten and Disowned

    A teenager was recently beaten by her adoptive father when he discovered that Saidha and her sister had converted to Christianity. The girls, who live in the primarily Muslim village of Bwite, accepted Christ after hearing the Gospel message at an evangelistic meeting. When their adoptive father, Ali Sooka Abudalah, learned about their new faith, he beat Saidha with a club. Ali, the son of the local imam, had adopted Saidha and her sister after their biological father died several years ago.

    Saidha's face was left badly swollen after the heartless beating, requiring that she spend about a week in a medical clinic while being treated for her injuries. Ali then determined that since Saidha had decided to leave Islam, she could no longer be raised as one of his children. He took her to a church in the village and notified local authorities that he intended to leave her in the custody of a church leader. In an official document, Ali turned over custody of the girl to the pastor, adding that he does not "want to know or hear any matter concerning her because she confessed Christ as her personal Saviour." The letter was signed on December 13th, 2014, by Ali, 12 witnesses and several other local officials.

    A VOM worker visited Saidha a few weeks ago, after travelling several hours to reach her. Thankfully, the teen is presently being well cared for in the home of evangelist Muwanguzi Hassan, another convert from Islam to Christianity. Muwanguzi and his wife care for 17 other children who were also disowned by their families for the same reason. The couple is one of just four Christian families residing within their Muslim village.

    Thank the Lord for the steadfast faith of Saidha! May the love and support of this new Christian family sustain and encourage the young believer as she rebuilds her life. In particular, may God grant complete healing from the physical assault she encountered, as well as recovery from the emotional wounds of being abandoned by her adoptive father. Pray that Saidha's sister will also continue to grow in the Christian faith, and that God will keep both of these precious girls safe in His loving care. Additionally, may He move powerfully in this Muslim village so that many more will learn the truth of the Gospel.

  • Follower of Christ Released from Prison!
    Rajai Shahr Prison (also known
    as Gohardasht Prison)
    where Rasoul was held.
    (Flickr / Ensle & Matthias)

    Rasoul Abdollahi, a Christian man who was imprisoned in December of 2010 and handed a three-year sentence, was released on February 15th! However, strict conditions have been imposed with his release which prohibit him from participating in any Christian activities. Violation of these conditions could result in his re-arrest.

    Rasoul was arrested along with Farshid Fathi and numerous other believers, and then later charged with "collusion against the government" and "evangelism." While many of those arrested in 2010 have since been released, Farshid, who remains imprisoned, recently had his six-year prison term increased by one year. (For more information on Rasoul's arrest, you can read our previous prayer alert.)

    Praise God for the encouraging news of Rasoul's release! As the freed prisoner now recuperates from his time behind bars, pray that the Lord will grant him full restoration. Despite the conditions now forbidding him from participating in Christian activities, pray that there will be a way made for him to fellowship with other believers. Please also remember in prayer Farshid Fathi and the many other Iranian Christians who remain imprisoned because of their faith in our Risen Lord.

    For more information on Iran's persecuted church, please read our Country Report.