

  • Christians in Mourning after Two Churches Bombed

    These Pakistanis gathered together for a time of
    prayer and peaceful demonstration after the two
    recent church attacks in Youhanabad.
    Photo: VOMC partner

    On March 15th, suicide bombers attacked two churches in east Lahore during the morning worship services, killing at least 17 people and wounding more than 70 others. A group linked to the Taliban has claimed responsibility for the attacks, while offering threats of more violence. The bombings occurred minutes apart in the Christian neighbourhood of Youhanabad. Witnesses report that volunteer security guards and police who were assigned to protect the churches died while tackling the attackers near the entrance ways, thankfully preventing even more injuries and deaths.

    The following day, crowds of upset believers gathered on the streets to protest against the assaults. One Christian youth was killed and 15 others were wounded in Lahore as violent protests spread from the affected neighbourhood to other parts of the country. Meanwhile, angry residents of Youhanabad reportedly killed two Muslims who were suspected of aiding the terrorists. Although Christian and Muslim leaders have been calling for peace, there is concern that the volatile situation could escalate, resulting in reprisals being made against the beleaguered Christian community. Various VOM ministry partners are currently assessing the needs of those affected by the bombings and will soon be responding with emergency assistance.

    Let us bring those mourning the tragic loss of loved ones due to these senseless attacks to our compassionate God in prayer, asking Him to be especially near to each one. May He also grant full healing to those who have suffered injuries. In particular, VOM ministry partners working within the country have requested prayer that the affected Christians will be blessed with increased faith and the willingness to forgive their persecutors. Additionally, ask that the Pakistani believers will be agents of peace and reconciliation, demonstrating the heart of our Lord Jesus Christ. Finally, please pray that the members of the militant group behind these assaults will repent and come to faith in Him.

  • Evangelicals Threatened and Displaced in Chiapas State

    Displaced Christians from Buenavista
    Bahuitz village in Mexico, praising God.

    Local authorities in Chiapas recently issued an official warning to Pastor Antonio Cruz Rodas, ordering him to stop evangelizing in the area. Pastor Rodas has also received death threats. The official document issued by authorities read, "Today we strongly state total prohibition of access to people (who) profess any religion different than the one in our community." Most people in the area practise "folk Catholicism," a syncretistic blend of Catholicism and indigenous practices. While Pastor Rodas says he is not afraid of being killed, VOM contacts have asked that we pray for his continued ministry in this hostile area. Three families have come to faith in Christ, and the pastor has planted two churches in communities similar to this one.

    Meanwhile, another group of 47 evangelical Christians were recently refused re-entry into their village. The believers, who were forcibly expelled from Buenavista Bahuitz village in 2012, were initially told that they could only return to their homes if they converted to this folk form of Catholicism and participated in the community's odd religious activities. After receiving verbal commitments from the state government that the situation would be addressed, the believers set out for the village in the early hours of January 20th by bus, accompanied by some state government officials.

    Upon arrival at Buenavista Bahuitz, the village leaders again demanded that the evangelicals convert in order for permission to be granted. The government officials present were reportedly taken by surprise by the village leaders' stance. Negotiations were held on the spot, and the village leaders eventually agreed to allow the evangelicals to reside in the community if they paid a very high fine. The group declined and went instead to the capital of Chiapas, Tuxtla Gutierrez, where they sought refuge at a church. At last report, the believers remained at the church and were receiving assistance from the government and churches in the city. Other evangelical groups have faced similar forced displacements throughout the state in recent months.

    In the midst of opposition and hostility, pray that God will richly bless His suffering children in the Chiapas state with His peace and provision. Specifically, may He strengthen these believers with a deep and secure faith that will serve to extinguish the fiery arrows of the evil one (Ephesians 6:16). Ask God to grant courage and wisdom to Pastor Rodas as he continues in ministry. Also request that the displaced believers will be permitted to return to their homes very soon. Finally, pray that any future attempts made by opposing authorities or villagers to stifle the Gospel will fail, and that instead the church in this area will grow exponentially in both faithfulness and number.

    To learn more about the persecuted church in Mexico, read our Country Report.

  • Pastor Arrested in Christmastime Raid Released

    Photo: Farsi Christian News Network

    A pastor who was arrested on December 26th following a raid on his home has been released from incarceration.

    Pastor Victor Bet-Tamraz had gathered with other believers for a Christmas celebration when security officials arrived and searched his home, confiscating Bibles, mobile phones and identity papers. All those present were arrested, and the majority were released shortly afterwards. However, Pastor Victor and two others, Amin and Kaviyan, were taken to the reputedly notorious Evin Prison. Amin and Kaviyan, both of whom are believers from a Muslim background, were released on bail several weeks ago; while Pastor Victor, of an Assyrian background, was initially refused bail. Thankfully, he was later offered conditional release on March 1st. However, the bail conditions were so high that his family had to submit title deeds to secure his release.

    Pastor Victor, who had lost weight while in confinement, reports that he is feeling weak. Other than suffering from a painful tooth infection and some breathing difficulties, he is in reasonable health overall. The released pastor expresses his thanks to all those who have prayed for him, stating that this support was a great source of encouragement. At last report, security officials were keeping his home under observation.

    Praise God for the release of Pastor Victor! In addition to experiencing a swift recovery from this difficult ordeal, may the Lord grant him wisdom and clear direction regarding his next steps in ministry service. Also ask that this dear brother will receive adequate legal assistance in the coming weeks and months to cover the court's great demands. Finally, pray that other Christians currently imprisoned in Iran for their faith will similarly be released in the very near future.

    For more information on Iran's persecuted church, visit our website.