

  • Christian Woman Abandoned by Husband

    A Christian woman was recently expelled from her home by an angered husband with militant Muslim views because she refused to renounce the Christian faith. Mariam, who happens to be pregnant with his child and due to give birth soon, is currently being cared for by church members. When the expectant mother became a Christian in 2012, her Muslim family provoked an attack and she was forced to live on the streets.

    Cote d'Ivoire, which translated means Ivory Coast, has seen increasing violence since the November 2010 election when the losing incumbent refused to step down. The crisis left 3,000 dead, with attacks carried out along political, ethnic and religious lines. Fifteen Christian pastors were killed, and numerous churches have been burned down by Muslim militants during this conflict. An earlier internal conflict, during the years of 2002 to 2007, has resulted in growing religious demarcation: Muslims in the north and Christians in the south.

    Islam grew rapidly in the country during the 20th century, from five percent in 1900 to nearly 42 percent today. Now many Muslims are expecting increased representation in government, resulting in growing tensions between Christians and Muslims. By law, Ivorians have freedom of religion, but VOM contacts report that authorities in some regions are seizing church properties and restricting the number of members in churches. In addition, pastors have been arrested and imprisoned.

    Pray for this dear sister in Christ, asking our compassionate God to surround her with His abiding love and grace. Request that He also grant her needed strength as she anticipates the birth of this precious baby. May Mariam's resolute faith greatly impact her opposing husband and family members so that they, too, will come to know Christ as Saviour and Lord. Please also remember in prayer the country of Cote d'Ivoire, asking God to use the Christians living there to serve as bright beacons of His light, while also extending peace and reconciliation.

  • Young Teen Dies after Being Set on Fire
    Nauman, after the attack.

    A young teenage boy who was set on fire in Lahore on April 10th -- allegedly the result of admitting that he was a Christian -- has died in hospital.

    Before he died, Nauman Masih told police that two men had approached him, asking about his religion. When Nauman responded by stating he was a Christian, the men proceeded to beat him. When he tried to run away, they followed him, threw kerosene over his clothing, and set him ablaze.

    Over the weekend, it was announced that although 55 percent of his body had been badly burned, the medical team expected him to make a good recovery. However, on April 14th, soon after Nauman had undergone corrective plastic surgery, it was stated that the Christian teen had only a 50 percent chance of survival. Nauman sadly died the following morning.

    The attackers were masked when the incident took place, making it unlikely that they will be caught. While authorities have reportedly shown little interest in conducting a further investigation, Christians connected to this case are still in pursuit of justice.

    First, let us lift up in prayer Nauman's grieving friends and family members as they mourn his tragic death. May the Holy Spirit surround each of them with an overwhelming sense of His peace during their time of grieving, while also enabling them to forgive the assailants. Also pray that the authorities will be able to locate the culprits so they can be justly punished for committing such a heinous crime. But even more importantly, intercede for the perpetrators in hopes that they will be convicted of their sin and, as a result, turn to Jesus for forgiveness and salvation.

    For more information on Pakistan's persecuted church, you can read our Country Report.

  • Imprisoned Believer Released on Parole
    Mojtaba Hosseini, among others
    who were imprisoned with him.
    Photo: Mohabat News

    A Christian man was recently released on parole from Shiraz prison after spending over three years behind bars for his Christian activities.

    Mojtaba Hosseini was finally freed on March 18th from Adel Abad prison where he had been imprisoned since February of 2012. He was serving a 44-month sentence for "disrupting national security" and "propaganda against the regime" -- charges which related to his involvement in a house church, evangelism, and contact with Christians outside of Iran. (For more information on these charges, you can read our previous prayer alert.)

    Join us in praising God for the release of this brother in Christ! Ask the Lord to now give Mojtaba ongoing strength as he recovers from his three-year time in prison, courage to continue worshipping despite the risks, and wisdom to discern his next steps. Please also intercede for the release of other Iranian Christians who remain imprisoned, including Farshid Fathi and Saeed Abedini.

    To learn more about the trials our Christian family endures in Iran, visit our website.