

  • Bombing Victim Gives Thanks for Healing
    Bus bombings have become increasingly
    common in predominantly
    Christian areas of the Philippines.
    Photo: Pakistan Tribune

    Christians in the Philippines, especially in Mindanao, have been targeted by terrorists and anti-government rebels in a series of bus bombings while using public transit. The attacks have resulted in serious injuries and, in some cases, even fatalities. (For more information on persecution in the Philippines, review VOMC's previously posted prayer alerts/video reports.)

    VOM Australia recently spoke with Esther, a Christian resident of Mindanao and the daughter of a pastor, as she described her personal experience in a bus bombing ordeal. Ready to apply for her first nursing job, Esther had boarded an early morning bus containing seven other passengers. After a loud and abrupt explosion, the passengers ran outside. Thankfully, no one involved in this particular incident was killed, but some -- including Esther -- had to be hospitalized after sustaining severe wounds and loss of hearing.

    Esther suffered from a damaged ear drum, and now has difficulty walking due to vertigo. Yet she thanks the Lord that fellow Christians have been praying for her healing. Six months after the bombing incident, a doctor told Esther that her eardrum is almost completely restored. The medical specialist then exclaimed, "It's a miracle!"

    Thank the Lord for answering prayer on behalf of those still recovering from the aftermath of the bombings. Continue to pray that He will not only minister healing and freedom of fear to the injured victims, but also needed comfort to loved ones who are now grieving over loss. May He use Esther's vibrant testimony as a means to: 1) convey the plight of Christians in the Philippines; and 2) share the Gospel message with others in need of salvation. More specifically, ask the Lord to convict the hearts of the assailants so they may experience spiritual transformation and serve as catalysts of His peace, bringing an end to this violence.

  • Al Shabaab Leaflets Warn of More Attacks

    kenyaMembers of the Somali Islamic terror group, al Shabaab, have been dropping off leaflets in various areas of Kenya warning of future attacks on Christian schools inside the country, similar to the April 2nd massacre at Garissa University College in which almost 150 people were tragically killed. Kenyan officials are presently in the process of increasing security measures and investigating the origin of the leaflets.

    In the past, representatives of Al Shabaab had clearly stated that their goal is to force Kenya to cease its war on Somalia's militants. However, in the process, this group has intentionally targeted innocent Christians, waging horrific persecution that has terrorized all the residents of eastern Kenya.

    Please prayerfully uphold the numerous families and community members who are still in shock over the sudden loss of dear loved ones and friends killed during the horrific massacre at Garissa University. As they embark on their grieving journey, may the reassuring presence of our Lord supernaturally sustain and comfort them, bringing to their remembrance His many promises of eternal life. May any discouragement among the Christians in Kenya be replaced with renewed devotion and spiritual fervency, increasing their resolve to persevere during these troubled times. Pray that the Lord will have mercy on the members of al Shabaab, working mightily in their hearts and minds so that they, too, will be delivered from the 'enemy of their souls.'